What to Know About Dec 21st and How to Gracefully Transition into the New Earth Energy

We are being called to evolve. What does this look like for you?

It may seem like things are getting worse on the planet, but what if things are getting better? What if all that we see out in the world is a magnification of a deeper need for unity, compassion and love? And everything that doesn’t align with that is fast revealing itself and crumbling, as we are leading up to one of the most transformational days of our lifetime.

December 21, 2020, marks a profound shift in our entire experience on earth. For the last 200 years, Jupiter and Saturn have been aligning to only earth signs, but this year, on December 21, 2020, they move into the air sign of Aquarius. This Grand Conjuncture happening for the first time in over 200 years marks a bigger shift for our worldview and the new era we are embarking on. We are stepping fully into the new earth, a massive shift that the great mystics, leaders, shamans and wise sages have predicted for centuries.

We are closing a massive karmic cycle for the planet, which is one of the main reasons things seem so chaotic out in the world right now. You have the power to maintain inner peace and alignment when you tap inward, into your true power, your own energy of love rather than looking outside of you for the world to tell you what to do and who you are. This is the time to use decrement, trust your intuition and step into your personal power.

Even if you’re not into astrology, physics, astronomy, science, or spirituality you can’t deny the power of Dec 21. It will be a very special day with potent potential.

So what is December 21 and why is it so important? Not only is this a once-in-a-lifetime planetary alignment as Jupiter and Saturn have their grand conjunction, it is also December Solstice but most importantly it marks a grand shift in our human evolution as we move from the age of information into the age of Aquarius, also called the age of intuition.

What does this mean? We are evolving, ascending and growing, collectively and individually. We have a massive opportunity to align with the path for our highest good.

  • Think about who you were at the start of this year, and who you are today.
  • How have you changed?
  • How has your life unfolded? Who have you become?
  • And what matters most to you now?
  • Are you embodying your true essence, or staying stuck in fear and only listing to the outside world?

These are important questions to ask yourself as we enter the new earth energy, because where we are going is far greater than where we have been. And the energy and intention you carry forward will make a profound difference in your ability to navigate the next several months.

We have a choice: we can be in fear and stay trapped in the illusions of separation, manipulation and control, or we can break free from this paradigm and rise up into a higher vibration of truth, love, compassion and joy. The choice is yours to make.

As this portal on the Total Solar Eclipse opens and intensifies under the Grand Conjunction, we will be able to move forward into the “new earth.” As intense as this year has been, it has all been in divine order, morphing and shifting us to a higher path of being.

Each one of us has a choice to make.

No one will be able to make this decision for you, but the choice is . . .

  • Do you want to live in fear of love?
  • Do you want the outside world to tell you who you are and what you should do, or do you want to be who you came here to be?
  • Do you want to be of service to self or of service to others?

We are entering a time of compassion, unity and oneness, and staying in fear will hook you into disruption and manipulation, but aligning with your true light and love within will help you ascend with the planet.

I want to offer some steps you can take to align with your own highest good as we move into the new earth energy.

Step 1: Detach from drama.

The more you can disengage from the drama that is happening outside of you in the world, the easier it is to go inward and focus on your own healing. So often the world tries to pull us in different directions. Daily demands and to-dos can keep you from being fully present in your journey. Instead of giving your attention away to these outside forces, declare, “Peace is my priority and I detach from drama.” Begin by paying attention to what you are consuming. What you consume is always going to consume you because we get what we focus on. Be aware of your thoughts and intentions. Stop focusing on what is going on out in the world, and instead focus on your inner world and actively choose peaceful thoughts. Cultivate kind thoughts and see fear for what it is, a distraction and an illusion that tries to manipulate our reality. And please, if you have not already, TURN OFF THE NEWS. Life is happening all around us in beautiful and profound ways, but the media will tell you otherwise. Don’t hook into this fear machine—reclaim your power by living your life with joy and love.


Step 2: Seek the truth.

The next step is to be discerning with all things and seek the truth. When you are aligned with your truth in integrity, you will see things clearly. You may break free from things that used to pull at your attention or try to manipulate you. Begin to question things you used to accept as normal, such as your routine, habits, limiting thoughts, even your job or relationships and things presented to you from outside sources. Observe all situations that no longer feel good. You could feel a sense that things are not as they seem. This is part of your own personal growth journey and spiritual awakening.


As you ascend to a higher vibration and the next phase of your life, all things that are not aligned or in integrity will fall away. The more you learn about yourself and the world, the more you start to trust yourself and with this comes a driving need to seek out the truth. You will start to see that fear is an illusion that manipulates your reality and you no longer want to engage in it.


Step 3: Judge nothing that occurs.

Deepak Chopra said, “If you are having a single thought of violence or hatred against anyone in the world at this moment, we are contributing to the wounding of the world.” When the world seems to be turned upside down and nothing makes sense, it can be so easy to fall into judgment and blame. With so much angst, there can be a lot of separation. Adopt a mentality of compassion and kindness by practicing nonjudgment and compassion for all. Today, practice nonjudgment with everything you see. As you live in a more neutral state, watch how things start to feel better.

Step 4: Drop from your head into your heart.

Our thoughts are powerful directives. They will either help us or hurt us, depending on where we give our attention. The mind will analyze. judge, blame and try to make sense of the world, but your heart trusts, allows and loves. There is no point in trying to change the world, but there is a point in changing your thoughts about the world and this happens when we drop from our head into our heart. It’s often been said that our thoughts create our outcome, so if this is the case, we must ask ourselves what we are thinking and projecting about the current situations. If something is causing you dis-ease, go inward to your heart and see what your thoughts are about that situation. Feel your feelings and recognize where you’ve been trapped in fear or blame. We can escape our pain by giving up all thoughts that are derived from attack, blame or shame. We are never trapped in the world we live in, because as soon as we shift our thoughts, we can change our experience.

Step 5: Turn your resistance into assistance.

Instead of resisting things in your life you don’t like, channel all the energy into assisting. Where can you help others and turn your pain into purpose? Go inward and ask yourself, what is coming up for me? When we first help ourselves, we have the capacity to then help others more fully. You can stabilize your focus by assisting others after you yourself are tended to. Sometimes we don’t have control of what is happening, but we can help those who need it. Being of service is the highest form of happiness and will help you stay focused on the big picture, that we are all in this together and we need each other.

I would love to hear in the comments what steps you will take to align with your truth in the new earth energy.

If you want to learn more about December 21 and the global meditation taking place, watch this video.




2 thoughts on “What to Know About Dec 21st and How to Gracefully Transition into the New Earth Energy

  1. Laura Reply

    Awesome reminder & inspiration, we are the light, we are who we have been waiting for & the time is now “let love flow” on & on & on!

  2. Lauri Caron Reply

    Currently reading the Self-Love Experiment. I AM MOVED by what I have read…have engaged in meditation…just not consistently. ..looking forward to meaningful meditation…and finding inner peace.

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