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We’ve all been there. The perfect collaboration of working your butt off trying to make things happen while exhausting all options. And feeling the existential sting of unmet expectations.
No matter how hard you try, things won’t flow. It seems life keeps throwing you one thing after another. All the tortuous effort put into your situation feels as though you are climbing uphill with no end in sight. You are stuck in a sh*t storm, the regurgitated outcome of unmet goals.
This fantastic situation humbly reminds us we are not in control. The universe does indeed have a plan for us, weather we like it or not.
I recently navigated a two-week sh*t storm. One thing after another was whipping at me. I felt attacked by life but did my best to move forward. Despite my efforts I felt like I was suffocating in quick sand. It wasn’t until I put myself through a mental makeover and applied these three principles that I found inner peace.
If you are ready to overcome obstacles and stop working so hard this message is for you.
Here is the fastest way to get through a sh*t storm:
1. Release Expectations
Get clear about where you are focusing your intentions. It is possible you have extremely high expectations. You may be working too hard.
The reality is your heart knows what is best for you. When we push super hard and exhaust ourselves, it is usually because we are in our head. You may feel as though you are working too hard, and usually this is when our expectations hurt us. Releasing expectations means allowing yourself to step into your life flow. For me, this meant releasing expectations to run my business as efficiently as on the mainland. Never mind that I am on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, farther away from any sophisticated large land mass. I had to let go of what I thought I came here to do and be open to what the universe really wanted me to do.
2. Pay Attention to Your Thoughts
What we focus on is primarily what we are going to get. Are you thinking about what will go wrong or are you focusing on what could go right? The energy of our thoughts often dictates our outcome. When you shift your inner dialog to a more positive one, you can climb out of the negativity faster.
If you focus on the bad, you will get worse. But there is always good when we are willing to look for it. What good can you see in the situation causing you the most stress?
3. Ask yourself “what is the lesson here?”
If you feel as though you are powering through and leading with your head, consider a more compassionate and playful approach. Ask yourself, “What am I not getting?” And be willing to receive guidance. The universe is always nudging us to choose a more joyful path. When we are open
to the experience, we can gain the insights necessary to move through obstacles with more clarity and grace.
Pema Chödrön said, “Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to learn.” Be open to guidance and you will gracefully glide through the sh*t storm.
Thank you for verbalising what my heart has been trying to tell me, over the noise of my mind. Felt super low over a job interview for which I was rejected. But I’ve realised maybe I’m pouring my energy into something my hearts not into, and really I should lower my expectations of finding a job.
Saiqa, I am so happy this message resonated with you today. Yes “rejection” is protection, trust the right job for you is on its way and closed doors are not missed opportunities but a chance for you to refocus your energy to what you want. So happy you are practicing this. Hugs, Shannon
I love you so much! I am starting back on my book today! Yes after 10 years I am now ready to write:) To put to words what really happened that fateful day that lead to who I am today! Thank you for your inspiration! Its so good to see you playing and loving life! I hope and pray like you to be able to wrap this book up and find peace and CELABRATE!!! Woo hoo!
Loving you! Sending you love and light! A.J. your friend from the Brazil trip:)
A.J. so awesome, yes I remember our conversation in Brazil, where you were feeling out the book. YAY, high five so happy you are ready. Yes the writing process is so healing. Love you and thanks so much for all the support and love. Catch my hug. Shannon