How to Stay Calm in a Chaotic World

We’re living in a turbulent time, the most divided political landscape we’ve ever seen. Climate change disasters are spanning the globe. And in light of ongoing news regarding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), fear is at an all-time high. It seems that the planet we inhabit is in crisis and so… READ MORE

This Secret Trick Will Turn Your Day Around

A couple weeks ago, I woke up, bumped into the bed, stubbed my toe, tripped as I was walking my dog, spilled coffee on my new shirt . . . It was an entire day of never-ending mishaps. Has this ever happened to you? You wake up hoping the day… READ MORE

From Rock Bottom to Rocking Life

The other day my mom sent me my business card from 10 years ago. I worked at a prestigious advertising agency and lived in Chicago. Her message said, “You’ve come a long way baby . . . Remember when.” Looking back, I just want to hug that girl. Sure she… READ MORE

3 Stress-Busters You Had No Idea Existed

Over the past few weeks, I’ve seen a theme with coaching clients, friends and family. Stress seems to be at an all-time high. Are you feeling it too? Maybe you’re overwhelmed with all your to-dos or feeling the pressure of a financial bind, or maybe you just desperately want more… READ MORE

It’s Time to Live a More Purposeful Life

Something happened between the release of my book Adventures for You Soul and The Self-Love Experiment. I fell in to the trap of the industry. It wasn’t by design, it wasn’t my agent or publisher putting these demands on me, it was me, only me. I became obsessed with trying… READ MORE

Unexpected Ways to Connect to Your Best Self Instantly

It's one of the most wonderful times of the year, or for many one of the most stressful. I spoke at an event last week about how to stay balanced through the holidays, and one of my suggestions was to connect to your joy, become a joy seeker. Afterward, someone… READ MORE

Overcoming Not Good Enough

I have a creative assistant who’s worked for me for many months. He’s more than my assistant. He is a friend and support. He helps me run my company more smoothly by just being by my side. I recently flew him to New York to help support me on my… READ MORE

How to Deal With the Things You Love Leaving…

Where are you today? I don’t mean physically, I mean emotionally, spiritually: where are you today? All we can be is where we are. We don’t always like it; it can be painful, even hard to understand, but it is life. This past week a layer of sadness nestled its… READ MORE

My Wish for You for the New Year

Here we are. Another year closing down, a new one just around the corner. Full of promise, hope, and the start of something new. This time of year, between Christmas and New Year’s Day, is always a special moment in time. I like to call it the space between. It… READ MORE

How to Deal With Challenging People Do you dig it? Click to Tweet.  Mothers have a special way of giving us some of the best advice. Whenever a challenging person came into my life, my mother would always tell me, “What you see in others is what you have in yourself.” In other words, if… READ MORE