Top 25 Things Happy People Do Differently

Like many people, I've gone through some major life changes over the past few years. I was stuck in depression tied to my corporate job. My breakdown turned into a breakthrough, which gave me clarity to follow my heart and change direction in my life. I moved across the country… READ MORE

Breathtaking Belize

There is a unique pocket in the world that buzzes with warmth, inner peace and joy. The people are peaceful, with a quiet confidence emanating from their eyes. They smile broadly, and are filled with energetic laughter, friendly gazes and cozy hugs. The land is raw, lush, and bountiful.  With… READ MORE

What to Do Before You Die

Featured on MindBodyGreen Most bucket lists include things like, "Go on an adventure in a far-off land," "Learn a new language," or "Buy a dream car." Although all these experiences can make our lives more exciting, the reason we crave these activities goes a little deeper. What drives each of these desires is one… READ MORE

Be Happy Now – Stop Doing These 5 things

Full article featured on MindBodyGreen Recent Research shows that the World Health Organization estimates that over 121 million people worldwide have some form of depression; whether it lasts a couple of minutes, or through many years of your life, chances are we've all experienced some form of depression, and it's… READ MORE

How I Found Self-Love

Featured in MindBodyGreen. About a year ago, I felt compelled to do something totally different in my life. I was coming out of what some people might call a “quarter-life” crisis, and I was feeling a little more grounded. After walking away from a secure corporate job, leaving depression, drug addictions… READ MORE

Yoga Saved My Life: 5 Transformational Lessons Learned On The Mat

Featured in Mind Body Green Over the past eight years, my relationship with yoga has changed drastically. At first, I was a lot like a child learning to ride a bicycle. The thought of yoga was exciting, but once I started practicing, it quickly turned frustrating, embarrassing, and even painful. Through… READ MORE

Vlog: How to Stay Calm in The Chaos   Over the past couple of days, you may have seen a shift in energy and the people around you. March is the month of chaos and things happening out of your control. With day light savings and springtime in the mix, it is a time of renewal and… READ MORE

Are Your Habits Hurting You?

Featured in Most people will give up on their New Year’s resolutions by this time of year, because it seems too hard to make them come true. Although we may have the best intentions, perhaps other habits are preventing us from being the healthiest we can be. I learned… READ MORE