How to Eliminate All Worry From Your Life Watch video above. If you dig it click it, share the good vibes here. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer describes worry as the act of becoming immobilized in the present moment as a result of things that are going, or are not going, to happen in the future. So many… READ MORE

How to Deal With Challenging People Do you dig it? Click to Tweet.  Mothers have a special way of giving us some of the best advice. Whenever a challenging person came into my life, my mother would always tell me, “What you see in others is what you have in yourself.” In other words, if… READ MORE

When to Let Go of a Dream Click above to watch video, and share the inspiration here. Sometimes when things seem to be falling apart, our life is actually falling into place. Learning the art of letting go is one of the toughest challenges, but the most rewarding when achieved. When it comes to dreams, letting… READ MORE

How to Make Peace With Where You Are Click to Watch Video - If You Dig It Click to Tweet. One of the hardest lessons in life is to actually be okay with where you are. We all have goals and dreams. We see where we want to be, but a conflict comes up because where we… READ MORE

The Fastest Way to Get Through a Sh*t Storm Click above to watch the Vlog - If you dig it, click to tweet We’ve all been there. The perfect collaboration of working your butt off trying to make things happen while exhausting all options. And feeling the existential sting of unmet expectations. No matter how hard you try,… READ MORE

The Best Way To Deal With Haters Do you dig it? Click it-  share - Click to Tweet  You’re cruising along in life doing the best you can, working on making things happen. And BAM, you’re stung by a negative comment, a judgmental friend or a rude stranger. Welcome to the hater zone. Haters seem to spring… READ MORE

How to Become an Instant Overnight Success Click to Watch Video You’ve heard about them, seen them, you may even follow them - the seemingly BAM overnight success stories. They meet their Prince Charming in a surprising encounter, land their dream job, or lose all the weight for good, forever. They make the rest of us… READ MORE

Why You Can’t Stay Happy

If you dig this video share it here. Have you ever noticed that happy people have a certain spring in their step? They seem to walk their talk and illuminate the room as they shine with joy. From the research I’ve completed while writing my next book, Mental Makeover, and tips… READ MORE

Stop Being at War With Yourself – This is How Watch the this weeks episode of Find Your Happy TV - Stop Being at War With Yourself Do you dig it? Click to tweet this video and share with friends.  The negative voice in our head can talk us out of what we really want and it can make… READ MORE

Find Your Purpose in 3 Super Easy Steps Do you Dig it? Click to Tweet the Video.  Watch today's episode of Find Your Happy TV, filmed in one of the most beautiful places on Maui, and perhaps the most beautiful video yet Click to Watch Find Your Purpose in 3 Super Easy Steps Do you feel lost… READ MORE