3 Incredible Easy Ways to Love and Accept Yourself

https://youtu.be/iajqv1s83RU Click above to watch. Click to share. When was the last time you gave yourself credit for doing a job well done? Most of us have a difficult time acknowledging ourselves. As a result, we are our own worst critic and suffer internal angst. Although we may seem happy… READ MORE

The Follow-Through Formula

https://youtu.be/fx2XZ0dHHgw Click to watch. Click to share here. If you’re anything like me, you get super pumped up for new projects. Whether it is a healthier diet, starting your own website or blog, penning the book that's been inside you, or spending more quality time with loved ones, starting projects… READ MORE

The Truth About Your Gurus

https://youtu.be/DBOxHUOg86o Click to watch and share. Maybe you are working on manifesting a goal but feel stuck because it hasn’t happened yet. Then you get an email message from a guru, author, expert, or even a good friend—someone you admire and take advice from. As you read their status update… READ MORE

3 Breakthrough Ways to Deal With Difficult People

https://youtu.be/Pw4m2cRpdno Click to watch, if you dig it share it here. Are you frustrated with someone in your life? Is it impossible to get along with or get what you want from them? Maybe you feel like they aren’t treating you with respect. Difficult people are a common occurrence, especially… READ MORE

3 Powerful Ways to Avoid Comparison Traps

https://youtu.be/kGiFGs3N_SA Feeling left behind? Wondering why other people have what you want? Do you ever think, “When is it going to be my turn?” In my coaching and live workshops, a lot of people come up to me and ask, “How do I stop comparing myself to others when they… READ MORE

This Radical New Concept Will Make You Happier

https://youtu.be/HXxwmxHghyA Do you dig today's message, if so please click here to share. Last week I heard a new song for the first time, and it moved me to tears. It was beautiful, full of courage, triumph, and expression. Now I can’t stop playing Rachel Platten’s “Fight Song” on repeat—it’s… READ MORE

Millionaire Mindset – 3 Secrets of Wildly Successful People

https://youtu.be/x3rMIvez1tY  If you dig it share with your buddies here. Do things seem too good to be true? Are you dreams coming true? Do you feel like things are actually going well in your life? Have you been making happiness a priority and your life is actually— gasp—going pretty freaking… READ MORE