Find Your Happy in Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon is having more than a moment. Once a hidden secret tucked away on the corner of Europe, Portugal’s sun-drenched capital has risen up like a phoenix from the ashes of the global recession to claim its mark and become one of the world’s hottest destinations. I’m excited to call Portugal… READ MORE

Spiritual Renegades — A Quest for Belonging

There is a unique utopia, a secret society of health, abundance and wellness that springs up from the earth to grant its guests a gift unbeknown to them, the grace of unconditional love. This special pocket of the world can be accessed by anyone, and the universal wisdom can be… READ MORE

Life Lessons Learned in Cuba

Every once in a while, you come across a person who is so full of life and enthusiastic about sharing what they love. They care deeply about people and helping each other out and they want the best for you, despite any differences. They are honest, open and genuine. You… READ MORE

My Top 3 Success Secrets

I love that I can work from anywhere in the world.  This weekend I am heading to Canada, getting ready to lead a keynote speech on empowerment and how we can tap in to our truest potential. This is my life's work, my passion, my true purpose. I am honored… READ MORE

Manifest Major Money with These Abundant Mantras

[embed][/embed] A couple months ago I decided to play a game with the Universe. I wanted to attract more money during the holidays so I decided to intentionally focus on fun ways to manifest it. I went to bed each night and said “I want to get checks in the… READ MORE

How to Have Faith When Things Don’t Go as Planned

I have a question for you: What do you long for most? Happiness, security, abundance, maybe even clarity? Today I want to share a certain tool that I use in my own daily practice that has helped me reach my goals faster and it can transform your fear into faith.… READ MORE

How to Overcome Obsessive Thoughts

Do you ever feel like a prisoner in your own mind?  Do you constantly replay or obsess over negative situations?  Maybe you spend most of your time worrying about details that make you feel helpless and out of control.    The average person has over 50,000 thoughts a day, and… READ MORE