3 Life-Changing Questions to Ask When You Are Feeling Unmotivated

Are you feeling unmotivated, uninspired and perhaps even disengaged lately? You aren’t alone, right now, so many people feel frustrated because things aren't flowing the way we want. Maybe you’ve been working hard to make things happen and have nothing to show for it. No big wins, no lasting results?… READ MORE

Simple Must Try Steps to Raise Your Self-Esteem

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTnFvnGQnrU[/embed] How you see yourself has an enormous impact on the rest of the world sees you. Feeling confident and being happy in your own skin stems from an authentic connection with your true self, and is likely to help you succeed. Authentic confidence is sexy. I'm not talking about smugness or arrogance.… READ MORE

Difficult Roads Lead to Divine Destinations

Today I am committed to caring for myself. I can look in the mirror and smile in gratitude for who I am and how far I’ve come. I can truly say, “I love myself.” But it hasn’t always been this way. I spent over three decades at war with myself.… READ MORE

Manifest Major Money with These Mantras

Wouldn’t it be great to wake up in the morning and feel free to just be? All of your money concerns are gone; you feel abundant and don't have to worry about money ever again. Money, or rather not having enough, feeling lack, and focusing on debt seems to keep… READ MORE

Reframe Setbacks with This Unique Mindset Shift

Have you ever experienced a setback or failure and had a tough time regaining your confidence? Maybe you are going through a difficult time right now and trying to navigate the stressful moments of everyday life. Sometimes even seemingly minor setbacks can sink our self-confidence and hold us back from… READ MORE

How to Make a Difficult Decision in 3 Seconds or Less

  Something I’ve seen and experienced firsthand is thatindecision is a dream killer.I used to be a chronic overthinker, stressing myself out trying to think my way into solutions and often missing opportunities because I didn't act fast enough.Looking back, I wish I had acted sooner on so many dreams… READ MORE

From Rock Bottom to Rocking Life

The other day my mom sent me my business card from 10 years ago. I worked at a prestigious advertising agency and lived in Chicago. Her message said, “You’ve come a long way baby . . . Remember when.” Looking back, I just want to hug that girl. Sure she… READ MORE

3 Powerful Ways to Be Mentally Strong This Year

It’s official. The new year is well underway. I want to say happy New Year to you and your loved ones. This time of year can bring up so much for us. New energy brings new insights, new feelings and even old patterns emerging so they can be released. Maybe… READ MORE

Just Take a Chance (Meet the New Love of My Life)

We are always presented with choices in life. Should I stay, should I go, should I invest or save? Should I go for it, or just keep things the way they are? The shoulds pile up and complicate our direction. They can even cause anxiety, sleepless nights and frustration, but… READ MORE