You’re Allowed to Feel Joy Right Now (Here’s Why It’s So Important)

  [embed][/embed] As we shift fully into summer, the world looks unlike anything we’ve experienced before. Usually, summer is full of happy smiles, sunbathing, carefree moments of relaxation, travel, beach trips, play, and peace. But this year tapping into joy can be tougher than usual. A new poll found Americans are… READ MORE

Connect to Calm with These 3 Foolproof Tools

There is a great shift occurring for so many of us right now. The shift of attention, priorities, needs and wants. For so long we’ve been conditioned to seek outside of ourselves—to want more, achieve more, get more, try to be more—but it has proved exhausting. We've become shells of… READ MORE

How to Stay Calm in a Chaotic World

We’re living in a turbulent time, the most divided political landscape we’ve ever seen. Climate change disasters are spanning the globe. And in light of ongoing news regarding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), fear is at an all-time high. It seems that the planet we inhabit is in crisis and so… READ MORE

Reclaim Your Joy Free 3-Day Experience

The other day I overheard a conversation, and two women were expressing their thoughts and feelings. One woman said, “I feel guilty for wanting to be happy. How can I feel joy when the world is in so much pain?” Can you relate? Do you feel like focusing on your… READ MORE

Reclaim Your Authentic Power in 2020 (Here’s How)

I’ve spent the past week in Arizona connecting with my own teachers and mentors at the Kryon conference and awakening to new concepts with the goal of maximizing our time on earth and making 2020 the best it can possibly be. There were a few themes that ran throughout the… READ MORE

How to Look Back on Your Year with Gratitude

What a year it’s been—2020 has been one of great turbulence, uncertainty and drama. But for so many people I work with and talk to, it has been one of their best years yet. One of my friends on Facebook posted a question: “What has been a good thing that… READ MORE