How to stop chronic overthinking and free yourself from worry

I used to suffer from chronic overthinking. A couple years ago I went through a mini phase of extreme paranoia. I found myself rabbit-holing down a deep, dark path of doomsday predictions. Everything from potential volcano eruptions or major 9.0 earthquakes, tsunamis, meteor strikes, killer bugs, more pandemics, losing everything… READ MORE

The paradigm shift that saved my life

Over the past several years I suffered silently with chronic health conditions that crippled my entire life. Doctors kept telling me I was OK. But I didn’t feel OK. Gaining massive amounts of weight I couldn't seem to lose, suffering from body aches, depression, chronic fatigue, and debilitating migraines on… READ MORE

How To Survive And Thrive As A Highly Sensitive Person

As part of the series about How To Survive And Thrive As A Highly Sensitive Person, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Authority magazine for an interview about my experience as a Highly Empathetic and Highly Sensitive Person.You can read full interview here. From a very young age,… READ MORE

Return to You Book Introduction Read By The Author

IMAGINE HAVING AN INNER FAITH AND TRUST SO MAGNIFICENT THAT YOU ARE FULLY 100 PERCENT ALIGNED WITH YOUR TRUE SELF AND CONFIDENT WITH EVERY CHOICE. No more worry, self-doubt, judgment, fear, or insecurities. A wonderful goal, and it’s possible. It is why I wrote my new book Return to You: 11… READ MORE

What is an Ego Death — And How to Know When It Happens

Over the past couple of years, I've witnessed a pattern with many of my life coaching and business mentorship clients and have also seen it in my own life. People come to me expressing frustration and worry over things that no longer feel the same. Things that used to bring… READ MORE

Global Peace Meditation with Arron Abke

[embed][/embed] One of the best ways we can usher in more peace is by coming together to activate more love. This is why I teamed up with my friend Aaron Abke to lead a Global Meditation for Inner and Outer Peace. Aaron is one of the guest speakers on my… READ MORE