Is the Pursuit of Happiness Making Us Unhappy?

Today, I consider myself an extremely happy person, but it hasn't always been that way. The truth is that I've made HUGE strides to be where I am today. I had to dig deep inside myself to access authentic joy, the kind that cannot be manufactured by false promises and one-night-stand mantras… READ MORE

10 Simple Ways to Lighten Up and In-Joy Life More.

Where are you grasping in your life? Are there any areas that you are taking too seriously, such as your job, your relationship, your family, or yourself? Look at that and see how you can release resentment and control over the seriousness. On our mission to finding happy, we can… READ MORE

Vlog: Inspiration from Jamaica and Bob Marley I was in Jamaica for the Yoga Caribbean Conference and major AHA moments smacked me in the face. Watch the video on tips from the Jamaican culture and yoga on how to live a more happy and peaceful life. READ MORE