The Attitude Adjustment That Can Save Your Life

We all have situations that happen in our life where things are so incredible difficult, it's often too much to bear. Whether it's the loss of a job, a loved one, an unexpected devastation that shakes you to your core, a rejection, or unforeseen outcome, the pain is heavy, deep,… READ MORE

How to Navigate a Major Life Change with Grace and Ease

I want to share a quote I just came across from Anthony Bourdin: “Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts; it can even break your heart. But that's okay. The journey changes you – it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your… READ MORE

How to Stop Jealousy from Stealing Your Joy

Do you find yourself comparing yourself to other people? Do they have something you want? Maybe you feel bad for feeling jealous, which only makes the situation worse. Being jealous is a part of being human, but if we aren't careful it will rob us of joy. When we are… READ MORE

How to Be More True to Who You Really Are When I was stuck in my depression, I used to look at other people who were living their purpose, and become frustrated because they seemed to have so much passion for life. It seemed foreign to me because I felt trapped by my life circumstances. I had no idea… READ MORE

Let Your Dreamer Come Out and Play

 What do you dream about? Do you have a dream tucked inside your heart? Of course you do. The real question is, do you have enough courage to let that dream come out and play? Maybe you think about traveling the world? Do you ever think about running your own… READ MORE

How to Manifest Your True Desires

Six years ago, when I first walked away from corporate, I felt stuck and trapped. I had a dream to work from anywhere in the world and be able to travel whenever I wanted, but I didn’t know how to bridge the gap between what I wanted and where I… READ MORE

The Biggest Barrier to Happiness and How to Overcome It

Are you trying to be happy but keep thinking about how you wish things were, instead of how they actually are? Do you feel let down when people cancel on you or your plans fall through for unexpected reasons? Maybe you have a goal and it isn’t coming true as… READ MORE

How to Forgive Yourself in 3 Super Easy Steps Anger. You may have felt it over the past couple weeks. When situations happen that don’t make sense, or people do things we don’t understand, it can be easy to go to hate, blame, and anger. But these are emotions masquerading around in fear. Fear is just pain that… READ MORE

The Fastest Way to Make a Huge Difference in the World I want to take a moment and congratulate you. Yes, you. You’ve been through some tremendous life experiences; even now, you may be going through some situations that feel impossible to handle, or maybe you are just going through the motions of life, not sure what is next. Wondering.… READ MORE

Tools for Happiness: Create a Let Go List Stress is something most of us can identify with on a daily basis. When is the last time you said you were too busy or that you didn’t have time to do something because you were so stressed out? One of the best tools to combat daily stress is… READ MORE