A great quote I came across by an unknown author is, "Worrying is like praying for what we don't want." Yuck, who wants to do that. Are you "praying" for what you don't want? There is a reason worriers are called worrywarts. Because worrying is a nasty ugly bump in your… READ MORE
Do you find yourself in an all to familiar situation? Perhaps the same drama keeps turning up in your life. Maybe you have changed jobs, or you are in a new relationship but the same problems keep showing up? If you live in a constant state of Deja Vu, and… READ MORE
When we were children, the world was our playground. What we wanted to do and be when we grew up was always exciting, fun and at the young impressionable age, our dreams seemed realistic. But as we transitioned to adulthood, things change. We get bombarded with the to do’s and… READ MORE
"At the end of life, our questions are very simple: Did I live fully? Did I love well?" ~ Jack Kornfield Happy March, my favorite month of the year, because my birthday is in eleven days. Which means that the entire month is a giant celebration. It is no secret that… READ MORE