20 Things to Let Go of Before 2014

A psychologist walked around a room while teaching stress management to an audience. As she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they’d be asked the “half empty or half full” question. Instead, with a smile on her face, she inquired: “How heavy is this glass of water?”

Answers called out… READ MORE

What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger

The Skinny on Saturn Returns You have either gone through it, you are going to hit it, or you are currently deep in the turbulent trenches of the infamous Saturn Returns. This is the notorious period of our life, which we hit every 30 years or so, where our life… READ MORE

Letter to My Younger “Hopeless” Self

When I was in high school, the boy I sat next to in math class didn't show up to school one day. He was a shy boy who never looked people in the eye when they spoke to him, but despite his quirks, I found him kind and considered him… READ MORE

20 Things You Won’t Learn in School

Several years ago, I left my successful career in advertising to follow my heart and become a writer. Although I left the corporate world behind, my desire to make a difference and express myself creatively never changed. Over time, I found a place for all my advertising knowledge, and that… READ MORE

Is the Pursuit of Happiness Making Us Unhappy?

Today, I consider myself an extremely happy person, but it hasn't always been that way. The truth is that I've made HUGE strides to be where I am today. I had to dig deep inside myself to access authentic joy, the kind that cannot be manufactured by false promises and one-night-stand mantras… READ MORE

How to Live the No Regrets Lifestyle

Is there a relationship that you wish you could wipe out of your mind? Or perhaps a work situation or some other type of regret? Regret is a byproduct of fear and remorse and it doesn’t belong in the Play with the World lifestyle. When you choose to be present in… READ MORE

Top 25 Things Happy People Do Differently

Like many people, I've gone through some major life changes over the past few years. I was stuck in depression tied to my corporate job. My breakdown turned into a breakthrough, which gave me clarity to follow my heart and change direction in my life. I moved across the country… READ MORE

Vlog: Is Fear Deciding your Fate?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRqFjy-bOfw Do you have a big goal in your heart that has yes to be realized? Life traumas and bad experiences can trigger a fear response within us that is hard to handle. We often take our fear from the past and replay it in the present. On our journey to reaching… READ MORE

Breathtaking Belize

There is a unique pocket in the world that buzzes with warmth, inner peace and joy. The people are peaceful, with a quiet confidence emanating from their eyes. They smile broadly, and are filled with energetic laughter, friendly gazes and cozy hugs. The land is raw, lush, and bountiful.  With… READ MORE