Self-Sabotaging: How to Stop Getting in Your Own Way

Do you feel as if you are stuck in a self-sabotaging pattern and can’t break free? Self-sabotage is one of the most harmful aspects of our life, not because it holds us back but because of the intense pressure and stress, we often put on ourselves for being off track,… READ MORE

How to Take Back Control of Your Life (with Andrea Owen)

[embed][/embed] It’s no doubt that we live in a supercharged emotional time, where disagreements are commonplace. And intense energy fueled by frustration, sadness, fear and anger is part of the everyday experience for so many. But what if our collective outrage, anger and frustration are a manifestation of our unhealed… READ MORE

A Prayer for Discernment

Many of my coaching clients and friends have shared how it feels like an emotional roller coaster lately and they tend to judge themselves or their feelings. But I believe our emotions are powerful alignment tools. They are not something to resist or push away. All emotions also hold vibrational… READ MORE

7 Empowering Resources to Help You Navigate Change

Over the past year, I feel like there’s been a tremendous amount of change happening out in the world, but also in our inner world. Think about it, who you were a year ago is most likely a lot different from the person you are today. With all these changes… READ MORE

6 Questions Your Future Self Wants You To Answer NOW

One of my favorite questions to ask coaching and mentorship clients is, "What message does your future self have for you?" This question in itself can be life-changing. Asking questions like this can help guide us and connect us to our true selves. If you were to take a mental… READ MORE

Powerful Ways to Stay Mentally Strong Right Now Here

If you've been paying attention to current events, It seems we are all living in a constant state of confusion, adjusting, and processing which leads to what feels like a suspended reality. What we are seeing on a global level, is ever-changing, moment-to-moment as new information comes out, it can… READ MORE

How to Stay in Your Power and Connect to Your Light

It may feel like 2020 is a big dark tunnel. With conflicting information and constant push-pull, the outside world is working overtime to take our attention away from what matters most. Your inner world is your connection to truth, to the source, to love. Don’t fall into the traps of… READ MORE