This Video Brought Tears to My Eyes (Amazing Idea)

Self-love has a funny connotation. Some of us think it is selfish, others just don’t know how to care about ourselves because our inner critic is so loud. For over three decades, I didn’t just dislike myself—I actively went out of my way to sabotage myself. Although I didn’t know… READ MORE

Powerful Ways to Upgrade Your Life

Over the past few years, I have seen a dramatic change in my life in the sense that I am more positive, happy, and at peace with myself and others. My relationships are more fulfilling, I’ve discovered self-love, and I am connected to my life purpose, plus my dreams are… READ MORE

3 Simple Ways to Find More Meaning in Your Work

Do you dread going into work? Do you feel like your work is meaningless and you aren't making a real difference? Are you craving a deeper connection with the work you do and hope to be more fulfilled? Naturally, we all want to feel like whatever we’re devoting the vast… READ MORE

The Most Important Thing You Can Do for Your Well-being

In 2009, when my doctor diagnosed me with clinical depression, I was suffocating in a corporate job that felt meaningless, I was trapped in addictive cycles and also trying to overcome an eating disorder; I hit the bathroom floor, crying. I asked, “Why am I going through this? Why am… READ MORE

How to Honor Your Creative Instincts When I tell people I’m a writer, they usually say one of two things: “You actually make a living doing that?” or “I could never be a writer; I’m soooo not creative.” When most of us think of “creativity,” the starving artist comes to mind, and we often think… READ MORE

The Attitude Adjustment That Can Save Your Life

We all have situations that happen in our life where things are so incredible difficult, it's often too much to bear. Whether it's the loss of a job, a loved one, an unexpected devastation that shakes you to your core, a rejection, or unforeseen outcome, the pain is heavy, deep,… READ MORE

How to Feel Peace in a Chaotic World Let’s get honest: There is craziness out in the world. It can be hard to feel calm and hold peace when things seem to be falling apart. Uncertainty about the economy state of the world and political landscape can keep us feeling disconnected and in fear. I have a… READ MORE

This Is Your Life—Are You Who You Want to Be?

Sometimes we get stuck in the space between, not quite sure we should take action and go for it but positive we can no longer stay in the place we once were. The space in between, the unmet expectations and dreams yet to be realized. This space is where the… READ MORE

3 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Get What You Want Super Fast If you haven’t heard the news, I GOT A BOOK DEAL!!! I am super pumped to share that my big dream and a goal I’ve been working on for many months just came true. My next book, The Self-Love Experiment, will come out next year. I spent the past… READ MORE

Banish Your Bad Day: Quick Fixes So you had a bad day or maybe a bad week. Maybe it's an awful month or, even worse, it's just been a tough year with no end in sight. You might feel totally alone. You might feel like no one understands and nothing can make it better. I… READ MORE