How to Keep Your Happy Click to Tweet video Do you feel “frustrated” because you can't stay happy? I spent the past few days in the Rocky Mountains in beautiful Colorado, for a travel-writing trip. Every time I travel, I fall more in love with life. It's easy to be happy when you are… READ MORE

The Fastest Way to Get Through a Sh*t Storm Click above to watch the Vlog - If you dig it, click to tweet We’ve all been there. The perfect collaboration of working your butt off trying to make things happen while exhausting all options. And feeling the existential sting of unmet expectations. No matter how hard you try,… READ MORE

Vlog: Is Fear Deciding your Fate? Do you have a big goal in your heart that has yes to be realized? Life traumas and bad experiences can trigger a fear response within us that is hard to handle. We often take our fear from the past and replay it in the present. On our journey to reaching… READ MORE

Yoga Saved My Life: 5 Transformational Lessons Learned On The Mat

Featured in Mind Body Green Over the past eight years, my relationship with yoga has changed drastically. At first, I was a lot like a child learning to ride a bicycle. The thought of yoga was exciting, but once I started practicing, it quickly turned frustrating, embarrassing, and even painful. Through… READ MORE

Are Your Habits Hurting You?

Featured in Most people will give up on their New Year’s resolutions by this time of year, because it seems too hard to make them come true. Although we may have the best intentions, perhaps other habits are preventing us from being the healthiest we can be. I learned… READ MORE

Are You Dating an Emotionally Unavailable Person

I've spent most of this past year emotionally invested in a person, thinking it would lead to real, lasting romance.  True to my nature, I gnored every red flag, often reading into texts more then I should have. I played up situations in my mind, assuming the other person was on… READ MORE