The Best Way To Deal With Haters Do you dig it? Click it-  share - Click to Tweet  You’re cruising along in life doing the best you can, working on making things happen. And BAM, you’re stung by a negative comment, a judgmental friend or a rude stranger. Welcome to the hater zone. Haters seem to spring… READ MORE

Letter to My Younger “Hopeless” Self

When I was in high school, the boy I sat next to in math class didn't show up to school one day. He was a shy boy who never looked people in the eye when they spoke to him, but despite his quirks, I found him kind and considered him… READ MORE

Letter to My Younger Self

Many years ago, I was trapped in a quarter-life crisis. For over a decade, I lived this delusional nightmare of co-dependency and was on an endless search for security, without success. My romantic relationships were carefully chosen to escape the painful reality of my anxieties. I consistently picked partners who were addicted… READ MORE