“Reclaim Rest”—A Guided Meditation to Help You Connect to Calm

I’ve witnessed something pretty special over the past couple months. There has been a collective shift recently away from the frustration and fear toward peace and healing. Within this shift has been a realization of how important rest and self-care truly are. Have you noticed this too?

Many of us have been on a self-exploration journey as we navigate these new times, and with that comes a lot of new energy and focus being placed on growth and new awareness. But within all that focus, we still seem to be on the hustle and consumed with the go, go, go energy. I don’t know about you but I am exhausted.

Last week I turned in my manuscript to my publisher for my next book, which is all about inner peace and how to achieve wholeness and full alignment. I usually celebrate by taking a trip, but all I wanted to do is/was sleep. So I checked myself into a nice hotel, left my digital devices at home, brought a book, and enjoyed just being, resting and recalibrating. I understand not all of us have the luxury of checking in (to a hotel) in order to check out, but we can give ourselves permission to do more of what we truly need, and for most of us right now, it seems our bodies are craving rest.

What are you craving? What does your body need? Checking in with yourself is important. Now more than ever we need to listen to our own heart and give ourselves what we need most.

To help you reclaim rest so you can rejuvenate your soul, I offer you my favorite tools and resources.

Set Boundaries

One of the most important lessons in taking better care of our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health is by setting clear boundaries to protect yourself from extending your energy. Many of my coaching clients feel exhausted and the first thing we address is setting more clear boundaries. If you feel overwhelmed, it could be your boundaries are unclear. Setting boundaries is the ultimate act of self-care and love because you value yourself enough to give yourself what you know you need. It isn’t selfish but rather self-nurturing.

To set more clear boundaries, ask yourself, what do I need right now that I’m not currently getting? Maybe more support, more downtime, more appreciation, etc. Then instead of looking to others to give you this need, give it to yourself. Carve out time to focus on your own needs. Then you can present your boundaries clearly to people and then let your behavior do the talking. When your boundaries are your core beliefs and you live these values, you stand strong in your sovereign self, and this is the ultimate form of self-love and care.


Honor the Power of Now

Take some time to just do nothing. Just be! Allow yourself to detox from digital devices and be in your own company. I don’t necessary mean staring at a wall, although if that feels good, go for it. It is more about bringing intention with each moment. Journaling, walking in nature, cuddling with a furry friend, etc., are all good examples of being more present in the moment. When we are present, we let go of the worry that runs rampant in our mind. Let your ego calm down by dropping into your heart and focusing more on the power of now.


Connect with the Rhythm of Nature

So many of us have gotten accustomed to the pattern of a go-go-go way of life. Because of this, we’ve forgotten what it actually means to slow down. Going to bed early or leaving your phone at home can often create uncomfortable feelings of panic, guilt or shame. But we can reverse this by reclaiming our own focus on aligning with the rhythm of nature. Nature has a cycle, there is a time for everything, and everything gets done—prioritizing restorative sleep is about honoring the seasons of your soul. Our ancestors, wise sages and shamans throughout the ages had an innate understanding of the Universe and the nature of the Soul and the cycles of nature. As we align with the cycles of the sun and moon, the yearly rotation of the seasons can help us feel deeper into the rhythm of our own life. For example, if you keep trying to make something happen, and it feels like a lot of time and energy is exhausted, it could be time to rest and relax. The same way the gardener doesn’t yell at their plants to grow or try to force them, know that there is a time and place for everything and it is all divine.


Rest the Brain with Meditation

Of course there are practical things we can do, like limiting our digital device time, optimizing our sleep environment, even investing in better rest products, but the type of stress that causes us the most stress is our brain stress, caused by overthinking. The past year has taken all of us on a wild ride of uncertainty, discomfit and worry, and the aftereffects of such an emotional roller coaster can be extreme fatigue of the brain. If you are exhausted, it could be your own mind working overtime. To help you reclaim calm, start by just relaxing into the moment and enjoy this meditation.


This guided meditations part of the full 5 day Fear Detox Course. If you enjoyed this, dive into the full course here.

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