My Go To Mantras for Navigating Uncertain Times

It seems we are all living in a constant state of confusion, adjusting, and processing which leads to what feels like a suspended reality. What we are seeing on a global level, is ever-changing, moment-to-moment as new information comes out, it can be hard to stay calm.

This extreme uncertainty is what causes stress and anxiety. The root of anxiety is the feeling of being powerless, so the best way through it is to take action. Many mental health experts are saying to do whatever it takes to keep life as normal as possible at home. Keep yourself occupied and focused on the moment. I’ve been being very gentle with myself and resting when I need to, studying and researching,  listening to the music I love; reading; connecting with loved ones via phone calls. Now is the time to do things you enjoy at home. Focus on self-empowering activities like house based yard gardening, or exercising, journaling, etc. My favorite tool to stay sane has been mantras.

Mantras are an ancient Hindu technique of repeating specific words, or affirmations, to aid in meditation. Using mantras or positive phrases is a very reliable tool to overcome fears. 

These days, I use mantras daily to help me align with peace and feel secure in uncertain times. I hand-selected my top go-to mantras from my Find Your Happy Daily Mantras deck, to help you gracefully ease any rampant fear of the unknown.


I Get What I Focus On

Current situations may be consuming your life and can make it difficult to focus on what the future holds. This card is a sign that you may be spending a lot of time focusing on how the current situation that you have no control over. Instead of focusing on what isn’t going well, recognize that you have the power to turn your attention around and focus on what you do want. This is a reminder that we get what we focus on. If what you want feels far away, instead of falling into despair and worry turn your attention to focus on a desired outcome. By doing this constantly you will start to see more opportunities and see things shift in your favor.

Place your hand on your heart and repeat: 

I turn my attention to focus on the feeling of what I want. I imagine myself in my ideal situation and appreciate what is. I focus my attention on feeling good and practice being in alignment with my desires. 

My Anxiety is Not Based on Reality

When you have anxiety, you begin to feel as though it is you against the raging world. Everything may collapse on you at any moment and there will be no escape and no one to help you. The entrapment you feel is not real. It is inspired by fear. Anxiety in life is often based on false beliefs and fear-based thoughts. Disconnecting from these thoughts is difficult but necessary to gain mental clarity. Turn your fears over to the universe and trust that you will receive the tranquility you desire. What you crave is inner peace and you will get that as you continue to show up for yourself and seek out guidance through mentors, more meaningful connections with friends and family, and a deeeper connection with yourself.

Place your hand on your heart and repeat: 

My anxiety is not real. It is inspired by fear and I release my limitations to the universe. The clarity I seek comes from my connection with self. The more I am in tune with my body and heart, the easier my life will be. I let go of my worry and replace it with love.

Everything isn’t Happening to Me, It’s Happening For Me.

Consider that things don’t happen to you, but for you. This mantra can be difficult to graps, but what if everything in your life is designed to help you grow? Instead of resisting what is, accept it. The universe will never give you what you can’t handle. Even if it looks like the universe is out to destroy your plans, it could be guiding you closer to what your heart truly desires in the grand scheme of things. Always trust the process.When you see the situations in your life as part of a universal plan, you will feel less burdened. Instead of looking at the situation as a curse or setback, see it as a blessing or an opportunity.

Place your hand on your heart and repeat:

I am always right where I need to be. My life is unfolding perfectly according to the plan I created with the universe. If there is anything I dislike, I focus on it with love. The situations in my life don’t happen to me, they happen for me.

The Universe Has a Plan Greater Than Mine

Life rarely turns out exactly like we think it will. The reality is we often want something, and life ends up delivering something else. This is because the universe has a greater plan than the one we hoped. Have faith in your inner wisdom and trust the timing of your dreams. It is time for you to stop resisting and let the universe take over. You may feel conflicted or unsure of this new path, but now is the time to turn inward and trust the nudges coming to you. The universe is always guiding you and the inspiration from within will lead you in to a place of more peace.

Place your hand on your heart and repeat:

I don’t always get what I want, but I will always get what I truly need. I may feel stuck and at a standstill in life, but when I turn inward I know all is in order. I know I am being guided. When things don’t go my way, I will turn to my inner knowing that things are actually falling into place. Things work out in the long run. I can reflect for a gentle reminder that all is as it should be.

Out of Difficulties Grow New Beginnings. I Trust the Process.

When things start going wrong, it can be hard to believe they will even out and go right again. As your life begins to spiral out of your control, so can your thoughts and soon you can be consumed by negativity. This card is telling you that even though recent events may have caused you to worry, these changes are working in your life to make it better. Today is an opportunity to focus on new beginnings. What ended is no longer serving you in your life. It is safe to trust that all troubling situations are guiding your toward a better one.You can use your imagination to solve the problem and create new approaches. You are being guided and you are safe and protected.

Place your hand on your heart and repeat:

I refuse to get caught up in my life dramas. Instead of holding onto the pain, I let it go with forgiveness and compassion. I step forward with confidence and trust my new beginning is appropriate for my big picture. My life is important and I allow myself to be fully in the process. I release my past so I can be present for my future.

I Am Only Trapped By my Illusion.

Many of us are experiencing a situation that feels constricting or forced upon us. This mantra is a reminder you are only trapped by your current focus on the situation.

From a spiritual standpoint, everything we experience is an illusion that we are separated from love. If you feel emotional pain or turmoil, you may be trapped in fear. To break free from this, look at the illusion of what is versus what could be. Send your energy and attention to feelings of self-love and then to feelings of love in general. Surround your “what could be” with love and you will glide through all troubling times.

Place your hand on your heart and repeat:

I am not a victim of my current situation. I focus my thoughts on loving energy and choose to see the truth during troubling times. I know I am capable of moving through difficulty, and I am only trapped by my negative thoughts. I turn to positive expectations and I am free.

I Am Open and Willing to Live My Life in New Ways.

You may find yourself smack dab in the middle of a huge transition. This time of change represents great growth for you. You are experiencing enormous change, which will bring you blessings. This is a period of change so it is essential you focus your attention on the new instead of holding on to the past. Keep repeating the mantra, “I am willing to live my life in new ways,” and you will soon see that your future is safe. Old parts of your life are falling away as this happens to invite in the new. You may be in a situation that has not worked out as planned, but now is the time to try something new. Closed doors will always lead to new opportunities for growth and expansion.

Place your hand on your heart and repeat:

Setbacks in life can be surprising opportunities for growth. Although this time of my life may be uncertain, I trust the unfolding. I am willing to see the silver lining and am open to living my life in refreshing new ways. I believe everything happens for a reason and I am willing to see the big picture in all difficult situations. As I move through my life transitions, I trust the process. 


More Resources:

Take this process even deeper with the Find Your Happy Daily Mantras deck.



4 thoughts on “My Go To Mantras for Navigating Uncertain Times

  1. KL Melone Reply

    Gosh I needed to hear this message so much! The universe surely does provide…..the illusion of being stuck, when all along I’m in the perfect place to be right now….. I’m blessed….. I’ll be purchasing this deck as soon as I can….thanks Shannon!!!

  2. KL Melone Reply

    BTW….your rocking a great look these days and your beautiful 😘

  3. Stany Madanu Reply

    Mantras are truly transformative in meditation, and your blog provides such valuable insights. Thank you for sharing this practical and inspiring content!

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