Manifest Major Money with These Abundant Mantras

A couple months ago I decided to play a game with the Universe. I wanted to attract more money during the holidays so I decided to intentionally focus on fun ways to manifest it. I went to bed each night and said “I want to get checks in the mail,” and I repeated money mantras from my new book Find Your Happy Daily Mantras. Within 48 hours, I got a check for $3.45 for an over payment on a bill. I laughed out load when I received it, because, although it wasn’t much, it was proof we can grow our wealth by the power of intention.  But I didn’t ‘t stop there, I kept repeating the mantras and focusing on checks coming. And within 5 days I got another check for $33.60. I knew I was on to something so I kept playing the game, and by the next week I received a check for $340.20.

There is a power in focusing on what you want and being intentional with your desires. In today’s lesson, I invite you to go on an abundant adventure with  me.

It’s not beyond your power to grow your wealth; you can attract more abundance, success and prosperity to you, and it is much easier than we think. One tool that works for me is mantras.


A mantra is a word, a sound or phrase that one repeats over and over, generally to help concentration when meditating. The word mantra itself comes from Sanskrit and is composed of the root word “man” meaning mind or think and “tra” meaning tool or instrument. So essentially a mantra is a tool for the mind or an instrument of thought.


How and why do mantras work? It seems hard to believe that merely repeating words can change your thoughts and your life, but trust me they can. If it’s prosperity you’re after, try working with some money mantras. Once you choose one you like, repeat your mantra for at least five minutes a day. Continue this practice until your situation improves.

Here are my go to money mantras from my new updated book Find Your Happy Daily Mantras.


What you see in your life is a reflection of your original focus. What you put your attention on will manifest. If you are dissatisfied with results in your life, return to your thought patterns about the situation. If you want more joy-filled results, focus on more positive thoughts.

I am aligned with my original intentions. All is in right order in my life because I am actively living the results of my actions and loving thoughts. I am connected to my truth. I am happy with the results in my life.

What results are you dissatisfied with and how can you reframe your focus?



Now is the time to take care of your resources and focus on what you have. It will not serve you to focus on the lack. Giving time, money or energy to an organization you care about will help you feel more abundant and therefore create an abundant flow of resources to you. You are always safe and protected

My worries and fears can sometimes get the best of me. But my truth knows I am always taken care of. The universe has an abundant supply of everything I desire. I am protected and safe and I allow myself to focus on the good instead of what is not working. I release all lack mentality and turn to the abundance apparent already. I feel safe in the moment and all my needs are always meet.

In what ways are you already abundant?



We are told from a very young age that our lives must follow a certain path. This all depends on your family’s beliefs, the culture in which you live, and even the era in which you grow up. We are not encouraged to follow our hearts, but told survival is based solely on logical thinking. This mantra is trying to tell you that wonderful things can happen in your life when you decide to let your heart make decisions for your head and not the other way around. Because of what you were told as a young child you may believe that this is an impossible concept, but you are only trapped by the thoughts in your mind.

Drop to your heart for more clarity. Perhaps you worry about all your needs being met. Today is a day to remember that when you are happy, you are always abundant and successful. All of your past decisions have lead you to where you are today. By celebrating the present moment you will feel the freedom within. Your heart is always speaking to you, now is the time to listen.

I turn inward to listen to my heart. I trust the guidance from within. I remove all external critics and release the need to fit in. When I follow my heart all falls into place. I am free.

In what ways can you cultivate more freedom in you life?



There is no need for you to be in fear. Joy is natural to you. Stop holding onto negative and fearful thoughts. There is no need to worry as you were born to be happy. Instead of giving your attention to things that bother you, allow them to fall away. Harmony will soon come to you, as joy and abundance is your birthright.

I am not my worries or concerns. I am so much bigger than any dilemmas in my life. I choose to see the good in each situation and I focus my attention on all that is well. I am joyful and connected to my truth. Joy is my natural state of well-being and I align with it daily. I always have everything I need and happiness flows to me.

What does abundance mean to me?



We can often look outside of ourselves and see someone else who looks happier, more satisfied, or more successful or healthy, and when we focus on them we can forget to be thankful for what’s going well in our own life. Turning your attention to gratitude instead of jealousy or frustration can help you see all of the blessings in your life. You may be focusing too much on what you don’t have and what is not working. By turning your focus to gratitude, you will open up new opportunities. Thankfulness is the life force for all you truly desire. Your path will become less strained when you turn your energy to love and gratitude.

I am thankful for all I am and all I have. My life is a perfect reflection of all I desire and things I want flow to me naturally. My life is in perfect balance as I turn my attention to what I appreciate most.

In what area of you life can you be more thankful?



Do you feel jealous or concerned that others have something you want? When you focus your attention on the lack of what you want, you keep yourself from receiving. Instead of condemning others for their success and opportunities, celebrate them as if they were your own. The universe is abundant and full of opportunity for all. You will get what you desire when you hold love and light for others.

I am alive and full of life. I set myself up for success by celebrating all good things in life. When others are rewarded, I sing in the praise of joy alongside them. I am connected to my life and I celebrate others wins as if they are my own. There is no place for jealousy in my life. I turn all my attention to what I want and use others success as a possibility for my own future.

Whose recent success can you celebrate, and congratulate them on a job well done?


These mantras are excerpted from my new book Find Your Happy Daily Mantras: 365 Days of Motivation for A Happy Peaceful and Fulfilling Life.




2 thoughts on “Manifest Major Money with These Abundant Mantras

  1. Christina Reply

    Thank you so much, Shannon, for this great video. I loved every second of it and the mantras are so helpfull. This came in the right minute. 😉

  2. Reshma Reply

    Thank you Shannon for sharing your thoughts and mantras. May we all aspire one another and live abundantly and joyfully. : )

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