Ever had that feeling in your gut telling you that something is just off with your friend? Maybe they say one thing, but always do another, or you find yourself constantly second guessing yourself around them, giving your power away to what they want, when they want, or you feel drained after you spend time together.
Not all relationships are equal. Just like we can find ourselves in toxic romantic relationships, toxic friendships are very much a thing. It can be hard to know for sure if you are in an unhealthy connection, and even harder to admit the truth if you start to see warning signs.
A fake friend is not a reciprocal friendship they do not have your best interest at heart and they “view the friendship from the perspective of what they can get from you rather than a place of genuine care for you.” In today’s transactional culture, protect yourself from being used, or mistreated with new tips on how to spot fake friends early and save yourself trouble down the line.
In today’s new video resource I share how to spot a fake friend, and stop yourself from being used.