How to Look Back on Your Year with Gratitude

What a year it’s been—2020 has been one of great turbulence, uncertainty and drama. But for so many people I work with and talk to, it has been one of their best years yet. One of my friends on Facebook posted a question: “What has been a good thing that happened this year?” And the comments were flooded with hundreds of people celebrating life. Everything from I renovated my home, I discovered my life purpose and switched careers, I wrote the book that has been in my heart for a decade, I started my own business, I made more money than ever, I reconnected with long-lost loves, I’ve grown closer to God, I found self-love, and I overcame addictions that were holding me back, to I have shifted priorities and now see what truly matters in life.

I am fascinated with human behavior and how some people survive while others thrive especially in times as turbulent as 2020. I’ve come to learn it comes back to perspective and how you see the world. We can choose to focus on the doom and gloom, what’s been ripped away from us, and how things didn’t go as planned, or we can look at the benefits that have come about.

For many, this has been the most potent year for growth and transformation.

It’s beautiful to see people stepping into their power and reclaiming their lives, whether that means home renovations, reevaluating habits, routines and relationships and finding a deeper sense of peace in the unknown. For many, our faith is stronger and this is all worth celebration.

I know it’s been a tough year. I’ve had to come face to face with some of my biggest fears, but in doing this, I have been able to heal and transform them. They no longer define me and I am free to see the peace, wonder and awe of being alive and on planet Earth at this time.

I want to celebrate you on this journey. You are magnificent and the world is intense right now, but that doesn’t mean we have to join along with it. We can find peace, and it is in the moment when we pause. When we reflect and focus on what is going well, we can be appreciative of the little things and celebrate the emerging new aspects of this time.

This time of year I always take time to reflect. In fact, today I am making a plan for how I want my final month of the year to go. Setting intentions is important for feeling good.

One great way to do this is by creating a “Gratitude Year in Review List.” Look back over your year and make a list of notable events and things that have changed for the better. So I am here today asking you, “What has been a good thing that happened for you this year?”

Reflecting creates an opportunity to realign yourself with your goals on the cusp of a new year. In the spirit of the holiday season, give yourself the gift of self-love and celebrate how far you’ve come.

In my new book, Joy Seeker I talk about the benefits of making happiness a practice through reflection and focus on our own personal growth.

If you feel that your life didn’t go as planned this year, take a second look. You’ll likely realize you’re more on track than you thought. Here are 25 signs you actually had a great year, even if it doesn’t feel like it.

  1. You stopped worrying about things you can’t change, and have started to change things you can’t accept.
  2. You’ve surrendered to the journey and realize the unknown isn’t as scary as you once thought.
  3. You’ve been able to learn more about yourself and those around you.
  4. You know yourself better and are starting to like and love who you really are.
  5. You appreciate the little things now more than you ever have.
  6. You feel more grateful.
  7. You feel more inclined to help others and support those in need.
  8. You want to make a difference and have taken steps to help the world be a more peaceful, loving and kind place.
  9. You speak your voice and stand up for what you believe in more than before.
  10. You feel more connected to your true self and are proud of the person you are becoming.
  11. You have forgiven yourself and others and realize life is too short to hold grudges.
  12. You feel more connected to something larger than yourself. You now know support surrounds you at all times. The universe is always guiding you.
  13. You are more aligned with your values.
  14. You have more clarity and confidence and feel purpose driven, more so than the start of the year.
  15. You realize loss and death turn into grief, which is another incredible layer of love.
  16. You have let go of who you think you are and allowed more of who you really are to shine through.
  17. You no longer feel so off track or behind because you’ve learned to be more present and appreciate the moment.
  18. You know in your heart what is true and you let it guide you.
  19. You realize how connected and alike we all truly are—in our difference there can be profound connection and joy.
  20. You’ve relinquished your need to know the answers or outcome. Instead, you enjoy the adventure of the journey.
  21. You’ve opened your heart by showing more of your true self to those you love.
  22. You no longer define yourself by your achievements or outside influences; you know you matter and are enough as you are.
  23. You’ve released your expectations, and instead you trust (or are trying to trust) divine timing in all areas of your life.
  24. You no longer force anything. When it’s right, you know; when it’s not, you let go.
  25. You have freed yourself from fear, and peace is your personal power.

I’d love to hear in the comments what you are most grateful for this year and what has gone well.


Take This Lesson Deeper By Getting My Book, Joy Seeker!

In Joy Seeker I share the step-by-step process for letting go of what’s holding you back so you can live the life you were made for.

This book is a path to discovering our true self—the hero within. The relentless pressure to succeed, measure up, and reach for ever higher goals can leave us feeling like we’re just not good enough—or that something’s missing. At the end of the day, after giving it our all, the last thing we want to feel is hopeless, anxious, and disconnected. Joy Seeker helps you reclaim your power and step into a meaningful, purpose driven joyful life. Get your copy here.

2 thoughts on “How to Look Back on Your Year with Gratitude

  1. Julie Lesowski Reply

    I decided to reconnect with my sister who I have not had a relationship with for almost two years. I finally was clear of how I felt, what I really wanted and how I could move forward versus looking back. We met and it was great, it has lifted a lot off my mind, I know she is much happier now too. We are back being sisters. So glad I faced my fears, got to a point of being able to move forward and now look forward to a much more peaceful and beautiful Christmas.

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