How to Become an Instant Overnight Success

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You’ve heard about them, seen them, you may even follow them – the seemingly BAM overnight success stories. They meet their Prince Charming in a surprising encounter, land their dream job, or lose all the weight for good, forever. They make the rest of us feel like we are doing something wrong, and they drive us crazy with their feel-good mantras, you-can-do-it attitudes and, “Oh it is so super-easy, I changed just one thing, and now my life rocks!”

Okay, I know, I have been known to throw out the positive pop psychology and cheer-lead you to happiness, but my teaching is grounded in doing the work, no overnight successes here. If this is the only side of the story people hear, trust me, it is super flawed.

Anyone who has read my book Find Your Happy, or been in coaching sessions with me, knows my journey to success was, and still is, paved with growing pains, life lessons and emotional experiences.

Contrary to what most people, books, and other experts tell you, there is no single stroke of genius that will catapult your business from no man’s land to permanent profitability.

Both successful businesses and actually making your dreams come true takes action, dedication, focus, and TIME. Yes, that’s right; it takes time to learn from your mistakes; to become who you really need to be, and to embrace the journey.

Only time can give you what you need. So roll up your sleeves and have fun on the adventure of life. Those who embrace the journey are the ones who see the huge results.

The Quick Fix: We all crave results and secretly reach for the quick fix because we want to find meaning in the madness. But, there is a cost…for example:

  • The latest diet trend – which we try, and then gain back even more weight from
  • The happily ever after – which we go into debt for in order to fund the wedding
  • The dream career – for which we clear out our savings to fund

The point is, there are two sides to every story; I call this the happiness trap, and it is eating all of us alive.

Tweetable Truth: Looking at others, seeing their successes and comparing it to yours is a dream killer; avoid it at all costs!

The Golden Ticket to Freedom: There is No Such Thing as Overnight Success

Many of my personal coaching clients and author mentees know that my overnight success has yet to happen.

It is daily dedication to your dream that creates giant results.

  • The first 12 months I was a travel writer, I was doing it for free.
  • It took me four years to land a literary agent and a book deal.
  • My next book, Mental Makeover, was rejected by 30 literary agents and 25 publishers before it landed its perfect home.
  • Find Your Happy became a best seller on Amazon 13 months after it was out.

I could go on, but you get the point. I am not sharing these facts to make you feel hopeless, but to help give you hope.

You see, persistence is the magic of overnight success stories. Every single person out there that you think is an overnight success is actually the result of years of trial, error, and late night cry fests, combined with euphoric insights and discipline. There is no difference between them and you or me. They are just farther along in their journey of persistence. Keep going! You are closer than you realize.

Most people give up before their dreams, goals, or businesses take off. The missing ingredient in each of those stories is time. It can take up to 3 years to really see results, but if you are doing what you love and working towards your goal for the right reasons it is always worth it.

Most overnight success stories happen around the 5-7 year mark. That is 2,555 days of working towards a goal. That is 84 months of finding out what doesn’t work. Persistence pays off! Keep going and stop comparing yourself to others.!

When we only analyze, inspect, and accept one side of what people share with us, we create false illusions in our mind of what is possible.

If you find yourself comparing your journey to someone else’s, these steps can help.

1. Trust the Universal Buffer

We think we want instant results, but the process is the really juicy stuff. It builds character; it helps us grow into who we really need to be. Allow time for your dream to unfold.

I call this the universal buffer and it is a beautiful ingredient to help you become all you want to be. The universal buffer actually protects us from unknown outcomes.


2. Throw Out Your Backup Plan

We think we want the overnight success, but what we really want is to know that our crazy ideas are worthwhile. We want to know that we aren’t putting all this time, money and energy into something that will be pointless in the end.

The most successful people I know, and what I’ve seen in my own journey as well, threw out the backup plan; failing was not an option. Your dreams matter and seeing the results of your goals is the best universal reinforcement possible. Don’t put an expiration date on your dreams and goals.


3. A Mentor is a Must

Do not go it alone. Finding a mentor to help you along your journey will help ease the unknowns of the journey. Find someone you relate to, someone you admire and respect. Align yourself with them, reach out, stay close and be amazed at how fast your dreams come true.


4. Build a Bridge 

In all honesty the journey is the reward. The time between where you are now and the place you want to be is full of life experiences, trials, errors, relationships, learning and juicy lessons that will equip you for success. Skipping the time in between will only ensure that you will land flat on your face!

The most successful people in the world build a strong foundation. The base you build with time and effort becomes a launching pad for success. When you build a bridge to success, you will have lasting result, and that overnight success you desire becomes an effortless outcome because you have done the groundwork.

Image Getty Images

6 thoughts on “How to Become an Instant Overnight Success

  1. Trude Reply

    Thank you Shannon! Lovelovelove it and gives so much meaning to me.
    Love your energy!
    Love from Norway!

  2. Hayley Dorrian Reply

    Happy Friday and what a great way to start my day, as well as set me up for the weekend.

    Huge thanks for doing what you are doing, which gives me the inspiration to focus on my purpose!

    Health and Happiness

  3. Deborah Flynn Reply

    Thanks Shannon! This was just what I needed right now! Its so easy to think ‘it’s never going to happen’ and give up but this has given me the inspiration and motivation that I needed to keep following my dreams and know that It will happen and I will get there!!!

  4. Miriam Castaneda Reply

    Thank you for this post!
    It really inspires me to keep trying and to remember that things don’t happen overnight. You’re a real role model and I’m glad to have found out about this website.
    Tons of hugs from Honduras, Central America

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