Over the past couple of weeks/months, there’s been a theme with almost all of my coaching clients, friends and myself. Feeling tired, unsure, uneasy and unmotivated. Wondering why they feel lost and stuck in such a dark place. Can you relate?
After all, we know the tools, we’ve been reading the books and we know what works to bounce out of a funk. But for some reason, what used to work is no longer sticking.
What gives?
After two weeks of hearing almost every client explain the same symptoms, it became very clear to me that this is not an individual situation but a spiritual awakening happening en masse. Human beings are going through a mass awakening. Humanity is evolving. We are in a stage in history that will lead to a global shift, one that the mystics, ancient wisdom, and tribes of all of the ages have predicted:
As we move from the age of information toward the age of intuition, we are outgrowing the old paradigms of fear, anger and separation and moving into more unity, love and compassion.
Every person on planet Earth has been and will be affected by this shift, yet the majority of people are unaware of it. Nonetheless, we all feel and witness the changes occurring in our inner and outer world. And if you are a light worker or warrior, a person here to be of service to others with your own passion and inner light, you may be feeling these extremes more intensely.
The good news: You’re not alone. And you’re not crazy. You, like everyone else on the planet, is given the option to grow, we are ascending.
What is often called an ego death, dark night of the soul, leads to a massive shift, as it leads to a spiritual awakening. Humanity is growing into the next level of consciousness, moving from 3D (third dimension) to 5D (fifth dimension).
With this comes changes physically, emotionally and mentally. We are experiencing THE SHIFT. This is an energetic experience and a process when the universal vibrational energy forces you to rise above the old habits and narrow view of the 3D level of existence. Think of Jim Carrey in the Truman Show, or Neo (Keanu Reeves) in The Matrix. Everything you once knew as real is crumbling around you as you start to see the truth of it all and what was only an illusion. What is real is the love in your heart and the light you have within. This can’t be taken from you ever, and more people are now recognizing this innate power within. As we align more to this energy, the shift into a higher vibration.
Here is a list of side effects of The Shift inspired by Samuel Greenberg’s original list.
Ascension Symptoms
Feeling intense energy and high levels of stress
Do you feel extra stress? It may feel as if you are in a pressure cooker surrounded by harsh and intense energy. What is happening is the change in energetic frequency and you are adjusting to a higher vibration. During this time, it can feel extra intense because old patterns, behaviors and beliefs are pushed to the surface, forcing you to look at and heal them. Because where you are going, the old can no longer exist. Anything false and inauthentic will fall away in this new energy. Know there is a lot going on inside of you, so self-compassion and patience are needed.
A feeling of disorientation
Do you feel out of sorts lately? Perhaps not knowing where you are, a loss of a sense of place? This means you have left the matrix so to speak—the 3-dimensional reality you once lived in no longer feels good. The 3D energy is one of separation, fear, manipulation, power and external validation, but your true self, the light and love within, knows that this is not where your true power lies or what you really value. So as you shift into the higher realms, you feel the disorientation as old priorities fall away and the illusion can be witnessed more clearly. Keep trusting the unfolding.
Unusual aches and pains throughout different parts of your body
Many people report flu-like symptoms, waves of nausea, dizziness and/ or body aches. I woke up one morning with bruises on my ankle and sore muscles. I wasn’t worried as I knew this was part of the ascension. It is common for aches and pains to be felt. This will pass. Many of my clients have reported rashes as well. Fear not, this is all part of the growth cycle. You are purifying, and in this process, you must release blocked energy that must be removed before fully vibrating in a higher dimension.
Odd sleep patterns and vivid dreams
Maybe you want to sleep more during the day and are more productive at night. Periods of deep sleeping are very common. When I went through this, there were days I needed to sleep for 12-14 hours straight. No need to judge this, trust it. You are resting from all the acclimating and are integrating, as well as building up for the next phase. Trust these new rhythms. It is your body adjusting. You may even have vivid dreams. Recognize your dreams can be great teachers. Much is going on in your dream state. Pay attention to what you feel, see and experience as it can lead to guidance in your waking state. Also note, you can’t be there for long lengths of time and need a break, which is why you may be waking up at off-hours in the morning. Do you wake up at night between 2 and 4 a.m.? These are also the “cleansing and releasing” hours between 2 to 4 a.m. Dr. Wayne Dyer the spiritual leader used to wake up every morning at this time and write his books.
Memory loss
It is key to know that we are not going back to “normal” as in pre-virus status. Which can be very exciting, because a lot of the way we were functioning wasn’t working, we are evolving to the new earth, with this comes memory lapses. Right now our world is divided into different dimensions wherein you can choose and decide which way you want to go.
Memory loss is very common as you ascend to a higher vibration. You are in more than one dimension at a time, and going back and forth as part of the transition, you are experiencing a “disconnect.”
“Seeing” and “hearing” things
Maybe you hear a ringing in your ears, or see sparks of light out of the corner of your eye. You are not crazy. You are getting more in touch and in tune with your psychic awareness and natural-born human gifts. Trust these innate powers and honor the process of stepping more into your true self.
Loss of identity
The old you no longer feels good. You aren’t that person anymore so what happens is a complete ego bust or loss of identity. The space in between can feel like a death, and it is energetically, as your ego dies off and you start to live from a place of more love and light. You have cleared much of your old patterns and are now embodying much more light and a simpler, more purified divine you. All is in order. There is no need to worry. The real you is emerging.
Feeling “out of body”
Perhaps you feel light-headed, clumsy or not fully present. Your body is going through a lot and you may not want to be in it, so energetically a separation is occurring. Perhaps you are forgetful and losing memory. There is nothing to worry about if you experience this. It is simply a way to ease the transition process.
Heightened sensitivities to your surroundings
Perhaps crowds, noise, foods, TV, and other things such as human voices have a new effect on you. Everything has a vibration and some situations will be barely tolerable. As you shift into a higher vibration, one of love and compassion, lower vibrations are noticeable and feel more harmful. Know that this will eventually pass as things balance out. But you may feel an intolerance for lower vibrational things of the 3D, reflected in conversations, attitudes, societal structures, healing modalities, etc. They literally can make you feel “sick” inside. You are in a higher vibration and your energies are no longer in alignment.
You don’t feel like doing anything
If lack of motivation is your new norm, you are not off track or behind, but actually in a much needed time of rest and “rebooting.” Your body knows what it needs. In addition, when you begin reaching the higher realms, “doing” and “making things happen” become obsolete as the new energies support the feminine of less doing and more receiving, creating, self-care and nurturing. Ask the Universe to “bring” you what you want while you are enjoying yourself and being in joy.
Sudden change in habits and routines
You may experience a loss of desire for things you once loved. Food choices can change, maybe you are craving new things—often more organic and healthier choices feel better to you. A need to eat often along with what feels like attacks of low blood sugar are common. A craving for protein is also normal. You are requiring an enormous amount of fuel for this ascension process. Also weight gain with an inability to lose it no matter what you do is one of the most typical experiences. Trust that your body knows what it is doing. You may even feel called to go meat-free, as the vibrations are no longer a match to your ascended energy. Trust whatever your body is needing and send it love.
This impacts you socially as well. Maybe you have a sudden disappearance of friends, activities, habits, and hobbies or jobs. You are evolving beyond what you used to be, and these people and surroundings no longer match your vibration. The New will soon arrive and feel much better. So just trust the unfolding and be okay with not knowing. In this space, you will get what you need, clarity will come.
Experiencing emotional ups and downs
Anxiety and panic are common as we are shifting away from anything we have ever known. Your ego is losing much of itself and is afraid. Your system is also on overload. The things that used to work in 3D no longer work, so this may make you feel vulnerable and powerless. These patterns and behaviors you are losing are not needed in the higher realms, so fear not as this will pass and you will eventually feel so much love, safety and unity.
A longing to go Home
Do you feel the pull, a sense that you don’t belong here and you want more? More love, more realness, more authenticity and joy? This often turns into a burning sensation to want to go home, as if everything is over and you don’t belong here anymore. We are returning to Source. We are recognizing God’s love within us, and this is part of the new world we are here to create. Much is available to you now in this new energy. Your awareness is heightened and your barriers are forever gone. This will pass and you will eventually feel very at Home like you have never felt before, as Home is in the present moment and within you always.
You can help to create the new earth by participating in creating a heaven on earth. Each one of us processes the shift differently, but know you are not crazy. You are growing into more love and light. And this is a beautiful thing.
Overall there is no cause for serious concern.
Make sure to:
- Hydrate
- Practice self-love, compassion and care
- Avoid stress and entangling yourself in drama
- Listen to your body, get more rest and sleep
- Take it easy and allow the unfolding with trust and love in your heart
I’d love to know what ascension symptoms or major life change you’ve been experiencing at this time. Let me know in the comments.
The information provided in or through my Website pertaining to your or your health or any other aspect of your life is not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider. The information provided in or through this Website is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use.
(I know you cater to more of a female audience ;), so I hope you don’t mind if I comment/add my .02 cents)
This is a wonderFULL post! Really. I have always been intuitive, but NEVER thought that some of the things you describe as ‘normal’ could be because of a shift in Earth/Life/Spirit energy.
I’ve read that we are (apparently) ascending, but not what it could mean to each of us, individually. Not all symptoms apply (for me), but many do. Especially the ‘waking up between 3-4 AM, at specific, repeated times. Deep down I ‘knew’ (hard to explain) that I shouldn’t worry about it. But I do know I need to deal with it. You’ve given me renewed energy and focus to do so!
Really appreciate this post; thank you for all you do 🙂
Steve, I am so happy this post could help. I know your journey has had challenges, but you are a beautiful man with great healing abilities. Keep trusting yourself. And you and all men are always welcome here. Hugs. Shannon
Lately I keep thinking man I need to go see a Dr. I have every symptom you spoke of including a strange rash. Thank you so much I’m starting to understand now.
Wow I’m feeling all of the symptoms u described. Really I even though to myself I felt like I no longer want to eat meat. I’ve been going through some take strange times lately nite I’m getting it
This post was “WOW”! It hit me right at home!!! Everything in here I have been experiencing and was feeling very frustrated about these feelings. The vivid dreams have really gotten to me especially when my parents are in them (both of which have passed). Or waking between 2-4 most nights.
This post has put everything into perspective.
Thank you for this.
Cathy, I am so glad this helped.
Shannon! Thank you for this post. I thought I was the only one feeling this way. Felt quite alone. Ao glad to know its not just me. Feel a little more connected. I’ve felt a little bit of them all I think. But mainly the odd feeling in my body, and the loss of friends and not wanting to do anything. Its right, more rest is indeed needed. This post couldn’t have come at a more perfect time x Shannon are you open to offering a circle type group where we can meet and join together to share what’s on our hearts at this time? Would love to be part of something like this for those going through the same x
Great idea, I will think about it, and super happy this message found you at the right time.
I love love Love this article. As one of your clients it’s been a breath of fresh air to have you explain and assure me of what has been happening. Thank you so much for writing and sharing this!
Thanks Maz, so happy to help. XOXOX
Shannon, thank you so much for this article. Yes, these things are definitely happening to me, and to those around me. I’ve been aware for quite awhile of the impending Shift, and the pressure and chaos that must accompany it….but it’s good to hear it and it effects verbalized outside of my own head. A good reminder. What we understand, we can endure, process, and flow with. Thank you for the reminder. The Wheel will eventually turn, but man! the pressure building up is intense!
– Kate
i have been having a really tough time as well. it started with a two week panic attack insomnia episode (got triggered by a lymphatic cleanse) and i am still struggling (2 months). it feels like my nervous system cannot recover and i still cant sleep. my healer said those are ascension symptoms and i need to adapt to the higher frequencies but it is so tough. all the best
Oh. My. Goodness.
I thought I was going insane!
Can you please explain this a little more what does it mean that the earth is shifting vibration? Has this nevr happened before?
What does this mean is this only an energy thing?
If my husband isn’t feeling this is that bad?
I’m so confused please explain 🙂
it’s been about 5 years since i “dropped out” of my life. I have been completely solo since then going through some very traumatic times with my body not behaving, my family and friends being turned away or they just disappear on me. These ‘ascension” symptoms have been intense physically , spiritually, well, in every way. I thought I would come out of it by now, but that is not happening. It’s just me and my dog (my work which I love-helping people to heal physically and Spiritually- is not what it was a couple of years ago, so I have tons of time to fill). Therein lies the most prominent problem. So much time on my hands, alone and quiet. I do well with that much of the time; however, by lunchtime I have accomplished all I feel I can do. afternoons and evenings are most difficult and I just “check out.” I try my very best everyday, every minute but this is not fun and has been going on for far too long. And there is no one around me that I can converse with about this- even though I work inside a Spiritual Center. There people are okay with energy healing and crystals and such but they don’t seem to be aware of the ascension that is happening- at least to me on a very physical level.
Hi Penny, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, having time and then just being is part of the process. Sounds like you are really being gifted a lot of time to just be. Keep going, and feeling. Thanks for sharing. Shannon
Wow! I love this info! Penny, I am in so many of the same shoes you are. I have been going through a lot of changes the last 3 and half years at least. I have nobody that I can talk to either. I have gotten divorced for GOOD reason and have had to physically heal, emotionally and spiritually done to this man but I have been healing. I have become so much better as a person and have felt so much pulling, and pain. Also, knowing that whatever I have been going through is a good thing. The peace, love at the same time as pain and sadness. Wow!!! I would have never known those two could happen at the same time. I have slept a lot for over 2 years. I have pushed myself as well but my inner self knew that it was OK to except this because I knew something good was happening. Again, all at the same time as bad. I finally had courage to go to the courts for domestic violence protective order and divorce , which I didn’t for many years and my mind was free of him. I knew I had fallen out of over for him finally. He couldn’t manipulate me anymore and that was such a good peaceful feeling. I never before knew that peace and love can happen all at the same time and pain, anxiety and etc.i have accepted the fact that I didn’t have anyone physically to talk to but I have Jesus. I have been put down by my identical twin sister mostly my whole life and I have blocked her and I do not want to talk to her because I know I’m worth more than that. .she has been putting me down when things fell on her own and am thinking that it’s because she didn’t want to be at fault herself. Wow! I just wrote the real problem down and never knew exactly why until now as God led those words to be spoken. I trust God and I have faith. I knew that all of this was being done for good reason. I could talk for hours lol but I should stop here. I’m sure it’s OK to message here if you want to chat sometimes. 😊 There is so much more and I’m sure from your experiences as well. Keep moving forward and take it as slow or fast as you need. You will know what to do. God Bless you!
well, I am not sure what is happening but something is. I have felt the change of energy the last 9 months but very intensly since I opened my Akashic records. Used to be in my stomach , anxiety, now it is in my heart. My heart feels like it is exploding(there is so much pressure). I wake up between 3-4. I have vivid dreams, I feel deeply and have a special bond with animals. I feel like I have so much love for self and others. Last night my akashic record meditation came on at 3.30 and I felt this force releasing old believes. A male voice said are you ready, at first I had fear and then I let go-I was twirling in the universe. I have aches today(headache, heart ache, certain stabs in my legs, back,…). Now I am guessing I am ascending….So I have to take the dark and the light,I understand. My question is how long will this go on(these feelings of bliss,tiredness,pains,intense energy).
I have many of the symptoms you’ve mentioned as well as very bad ringing in my ears.. I’ve always had it but never realized what it was until I learned about the shift from 3 to 5D… The pitch gets louder and louder.. and a constant.. also I see many numbers on a constant..where ever I go 144 1111, 222, up to 999.. 109, etc etc. I would also like to know when this will all subside because I am a shaker and a mover always have been..and this shift has me out of sorts w myself.. it’s very frustrating and draining having to push yourself thru it every minute of every day!
Being at this since I was 20yrs old, (70) now, still kicking ass as it were, I agree with all that is said here, it always starts out slow, but will admit these last 2 yrs, especially this last year and also this year has been kick up for me one notch after another, faster and faster, constant releasing of all memories from this life and all the others that I know I have lived thru, ( that my friends are so many, too many to count, and mention) I am a Jack of all Trades, professor of none, all I have done are my memories of all my life times, up to this one, U name I have done it, and can do it, so called titles are vast, and they matter not any more, I have been there and now must move onwards, intuition of Spirit Self is my guiding light as always, the more I release of my past times, the more I can see what is coming my way, Hell I unknowingly changed my whole birth karmic name, legally. I felt the need, and just did it as it were a normal thing, but man o man did my karmic family and friends give me hell for it, as in “WHY”, what the hell for.. lol lol lol I was told is why, I even had to move out of my home town to anchor that new name into my own consciousness, that was 30 yrs a go, went to Phoenix, Az. the bird that burned up, and returned anew from those very ashes of the past life times, it was so real and natural to me, as I look back at those years.. Moon walking since the age of 20, back then not very knowing what was happening to me, I just followed my intuition, as always, many memories of so many relationships, many become what one calls, make a movie of it, this is good stuff, lol lol yeah, we all have stories, I am one of the many, who is aware of self, but still wonder what if, or now what, and what is coming, how will I be, or act at this age of 70, all the while generations and before my time and after are all dyeing off, like flies.
One after another. And yes I do not look my age, I can still past for being in my 50’s, I see people I knew aging like wild fire. Carbon bodies that do not or want to ascend at this time, and are leaving, not wanting to ascend as of now, maybe later in another timeline as it were, it is our free will choice to do so.
Like many of U out there, we could write books and have movies made of our life times, now that some of us are way up in the age bracket.. lol lol. I am one of the lucky ones who has never been sick, his whole life. Never went to a doctor, for any kind of disease or illness, I knew how to be healthy as they say, Spirit and my own intuition was my heart and soul guardian. I will admit I was in doubt about what was happening to me all these years… but NOW, it is kool and peaceful with this acceleration process, called the ascension of soul and spirit, the past is just that the past, and yet it did get us all here and now, hmm.
I had to travel this country and Europe to clear all my memories, never stayed long in any place, or relationships, looking back now, all I did was clear up what was mine, in the first place, I created all that I went thru, we all do that or this, no blaming the name game on others, if we came face to face to WE did it, not them, but the both or many of us. WE are our own creation, WE are each a creator of self awareness, and what past pains we are having to live thru. NO ONE said this ascension process was going to be easy and fun, (it can be thou, lol hmm ) just depend on how seriously minded we are, and not to take it so personally….on what or who pushes our buttons, WE did it, and it knows who did it to them,
as they say only the Shadow self knows for sure, that shadow is us each and every one of us, we live, and we also leave a foot print as it were, a shadow of our former self in so many life times before this one.
I go now, thanks for this blog, it was a good reminder of what we all must go thru and release.
WE are crossing the 4D time bridge, to our own freedom once again. All energies are constant and repeating and always moving upwards, especially after they were allowed to descend to the lowest of low
3D reality and it densities, of this material world, of carbon base forms and bodies… lol have fun if you dare, this is only just a dream of what we truly are. A kind of Broadway play as they say, we all chose a part in the drama and comedy of it all.. thanks for having this blog. It was much appreciated, at this timing in my own journey…. down here.
Hi I have so many things going on it’s freaking me out. I feel touches Hear a voice now and then. Have ringing in my ears and vertigo with no explanation. I feel sometimes like I have a foot in two different places. Cannot sleep etc. Please help!
I knew something was differently wrong with me. I really been fighting aging. And I thought it was the reality that I was aging. I am 70 but been in better shape than my peers all my life as now. Always high energy and active. And I am a light worker. The ways you describes this hit me as so true for me. I am all of these symptoms but no 1. Just had a physical. All good. I am looking to getting to 5D and it can’t come fast enough. Thank you so much. For putting it so well.
This article is wonderful and has helped me immensely. Another thing I have been feeling is so over whelming compassion for people. Like such over the top compassion the tears pour like a tap. I find that really difficult at times.
Hi Shannon, my counselor actually explained a bit of this to me today. I went online a viola! Reading your information puts light into the darkness of exactly what I have been dealing with for almost a year. The recent New Moon was/is a WHAMMY! Thank you so much for putting it into perspective in regard to the symptoms. As an empath, I need to understand on a deeper level what is happening.
I go through this often. The hardest was the first time. I really thought I was going insane. Now, I just surrender. I allow myself to feel what I need to feel until it’s released. I don’t judge myself. I don’t fight it. Now these phases don’t last as long. We’re going to be alright! Love y’all!
Curious if bloody noses and faintness have come up as a symptom for others. Last time I had this level of faintness was about 18 years ago. This month I’ve had two spontaneous bloody noses. I’ve been on the awakening path about 19 years. Wondering if there is a correlation to 2004 energies at this time, I’m deeply in my spiritual identity now.
Yes! Spontaneous bloody noses and passing out cold for no apparent reason! My family wants me to see a doctor, but I intuitively know conventional medicine will not have the right answers. I am glad I’m not alone in these symptoms, but at the same time, I feel for you.
Thank you, for the article. Lately I feel different, out of place, headaches, like some things feel totally different like I’m here but in a new place. Peaceful, quiet, strong energy throughout my body. I just feel different and can feel some energies around me its it’s scary…I’m just trying to figure out what’s going on.
I just found out about Ascension syndrome today. Dont understand why this site is not flooded with more comments! I have insomnia, sometimes to the point of only sleeping 2-3 hrs. Pressure in my head, ringing in ears , dizzy…I am very reassured , as a lightworker, to understand my experience. But my very worst symptoms, I havnt seen mentioned. I have almost continual vibrating in upper body and arms, then less often a pounding/palpitation feeling in chest or abdomen (actual heart problems have been ruled out.) Two nights I have been concerned enough to think of calling 911, tho I know they could do nothing but drug me. Now I have more fortitude to get thru more of this!
Hey everyone. How about a constant state of anxiety in my gut….no appetite….depression….bang on my bed and scream and cry. Feel angry about this process…..am I ascending or losing my mind. Feel hopeless sometimes….Debbie
Everything you mentioned is what I’m getting. The feeling like my soul is downloading something, overwhelmed with joy that I can’t explain.. i’m going through some tough times and I have this feeling like nothing else matters at the moment. Like I need to let go of something, and let in someting new, different, intuitive.. I’m getting this electric energy feeling.. like I can actually see my own glowing ora when I close my eyes bright whitish.. this has been going on for days.. and it’s getting really, really intense.. and I feel the need to meditate, but when I do it becomes more intense.. like an urge to cleanse myself and the more I do the more euphoric feeling I’m getting.. I know this sounds crazy.. not sure what’s going on..
I have been feeling anxiety especially into the evening. I have been eating ringing in my ears. I think a lot of the reason for my anxiety in the evenings is because the intense energy that I am feeling has kept be from sleeping regular most nights especially when I know I need to sleep before I have to get up for work at 4am. I am a sensitive empath which is pretty much why I am feeling this as I am Ascending.
Are others having long term intense symptoms that make it difficult to work ? Ruled out “medical ” conditions…..
I wonder why sometimes, but suspect incarnational clearing too, but intensity makes it difficult not to get upset
Others with odd symptoms?
Hi Shannon, Today I woke up dizzy so I checked online to see if this was an Ascension symptom. That’s how I ended up on your website. Everything you stated in your article rings true for me. The part about feeling at home within myself was especially significant to me. Thank you for this article. It set my mind at ease.
The weirdest symptom I experienced was smelling smoke. At times it was so overpowering that I had trouble breathing. I would take myself to the mall where they piped in filtered air thinking that would do the trick – it didn’t. I learned not to panic and tell people to call the fire brigade because something was on fire. It took a couple of years to clear up completely. It was when my brother started getting the same smoke symptoms that I realised it was an ascension side effect.
hello family
Thank you for the beautiful post. You have covered most of the symptoms that i think we all go through. It is very scary to know that we can feel so scared and vulnerable.
recently my sense of taste and smell have increased to the point that when watching tv i can literally smell and taste whatever food is being eaten on whatever show i am watching. I must admit i was very scared by the symptoms but then i read your post and it helped put my mind at ease. I started to think that i was going crazy and felt alone and very scared. When things get real, they get real. Its SCARY .
The thought of going to bed scares me because i cant sleep, my thoughts are just all over the place and when i try to calm myself down it gets even worse, I know we should not be afraid but this is another level,… I have been up all night, i feel cold and confused…….
may we all have peace through this transition . i will be with you in spirit cheering you on realizing all our purposes here on earth. Love. Light and harmony to us all.
Thank you so much
Hi Shannon,
Most of the dates on the comments are not current – is your post? – because they match what I’m hearing from many of my trusted sources that this is what is happening now. (August 2024)
I have been “suffering” the last few weeks from a very distressing buzzing in my head. This is not a physical issue. I am an extremely sensitive lightworker. The knowledge that this is what is happening to me helps, but even still…it has been very hard to endure.
Are you familiar with this symptom? My Guides tell me there is a lot of energy coming through and to me and to hang on. It will pass. That it’s “all good. All God.”
It’s rough…
Hello Denise go ahead and email me directly through the contact page and I can share some insights.
Thanks for reaching out and leaving a comment. – Shannon
Hey I feel similar- I did have buzzing in my ear a few months back but Today I extremely dizzy /lightheaded. Like I was in the car put the seat back – moved it back up and it felt like my mind or body was catching up with me. This is weird but sorta of expected my angels said this was going to happen but I wasn’t expecting this feeling. I’m an extreme lightworker too but this is pretty heavy.
Thanks you for writing this! I’m experiencing everything you have mentioned! Food sensitivities have become extreme now and I have to eat organic Whole Foods. If I don’t, I break out in hives. My sleep patterns are all over the place and I’m having vivid dreams. I’m sleeping a lot and have put on a few pounds. I feel very blah and melancholy, depressed at times and pretty constant anxiety that is debilitating at times. My family and friends that are more spiritual are going through this as well. This article gives me hope that it will pass and I’m not going crazy! Sharing this article with family/friends. Thank you!