Are you running in place? Do you feel like you are settling? You don’t have to, it is simply a choice that you make everyday. You have the power to take back your happy. It’s time to reclaim your life.
Starting now, give up…
1. People who bring you down and make you feel bad.
2. A career field you hate.
3. Negativity.
4. Failing to ask yourself what you want.
5. Not following your dreams.
6. Choosing fear over love.
7. Pressure to fit in with the crowd.
8. An unhealthy body.
9. Fear of change.
10. No play.
11. People and Ad’s that make you feel inadequate.
12. Ignoring your inner voice.
13. Doing the same exact thing over and over again and expecting differnt results.
14. Worrying about the unknown.
15. A mounting pile of debt.
16. Disrespecting your body.
17. Being dishonest with yourself and others.
18. An unsafe and unhealthy home.
19. Being mean, condescending and judmental.
20. Inaction.
List inspired by “Clear Your Fear” workshop and Marc and Angel Hack Life