Millionaire Mindset – 3 Secrets of Wildly Successful People

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Do things seem too good to be true?

Are you dreams coming true?

Do you feel like things are actually going well in your life?

Have you been making happiness a priority and your life is actually— gasp—going pretty freaking awesome?

When you look at millionaires and widely successful people they seem to have this so called life thing figured out. What is it that makes them so happy? It’s not the money, but the mindset. You don’t have to have a million bucks or win the lottery to achieve the same success in life. You just have to understand the abundant mindset.

Many of us aren’t use to things going well, so when things actually work out in our life, it catches us off guard and makes us worry. I often hear from clients that, “things are going really well—I got my dream job, found my main squeeze, or finally lost the stubborn pounds—and now I worry it’s all going to end.”

In other words, things feel too good to be true.

This happened to me when Find Your Happy hit the bestseller list and I had a fully booked coaching schedule. I realized all of my dreams were actually coming true and for months I felt on edge, like it was all going to go away. I had to get clear about my fear and look at my insecurities in order to heal and move into allowing myself to feel a permanent sense of joy.

Fear of loss is a very real reaction to achieving a new level of happiness and success in your life. If things are going well but you worry the other shoe will drop, or you’re waiting on edge for things to go bad, today’s message will help.

When you start to apply the find your happy principles, you might find yourself saying, “Wow, things are actually going pretty good.” But you are used to things not working out, so you worry the loving feeling will disappear. Don’t worry—this is just a fear tactic, an ego response to try to trick you into thinking you don’t deserve happiness. The good news? You can bust through the fear by trying these easy steps.

First, recognize how amazing you are to step into happiness and manifest such wonderful things in your life. It takes courage, dedication, and tons of self-love to get to a place where things are smooth sailing, but guess what?

This is how your life is truly suppose to be. Your life is supposed to feel joyful. Tweet This. 

We spend so much of our life worrying about what’s not going well or trying to reach a new goal that we don’t feel joy in the journey. Today I share three simple steps to help you keep that sweet, loving feeling and turn it into a permanent way of life:

1. Celebrate how far you’ve come.

So often we focus on the next step and making things happen that we don’t actually pause to reflect or appreciate how good things are. Take a moment to celebrate how far you have come instead of focusing on what isn’t working. Take a moment to celebrate the benchmarks you’ve hit and be thankful for the awesome moments that are going well.

2. Recognize you deserve success and happiness.

Society, culture, even your family may have told you that you have to work hard for happiness and success. So when you reach it, it feels “false.” Our egos take over and respond to our life going well by saying we don’t deserve it. This is just fear. Go ahead a let that mentality go and repeat the mantra “I deserve this goodness. Happiness is my birthright.”

3. Your life is supposed to be this good.

Your dreams are supposed to come true. A lot of the time we struggle because we are trying to get to a place we think will make us happy, so when we get it, the struggle is over. We no longer have to work for it because it is here. So for your own sake, recognize your life is supposed to be this good. This is your new level of happiness, and joy is your permanent state. Congratulations, you have found your happy.


I’d love to know how you handle the “things seem to good too be true mentality.” Let me know in the comments below.


2 thoughts on “Millionaire Mindset – 3 Secrets of Wildly Successful People

  1. Gabriella Susanto Reply

    Hi Shannon! Thank u so much for this and reminding us that happiness is our true state of being! I used to believe that we had to struggle so much in life because thst was the environment i was raised in. Thankfully, i have managed to let that belief go. Your work and journey has been such an inspiration for me, thank u, u helped me get through my days m with depression and anorexia. I got the courage to start blogging and writing, and hope that i would be able to write books that benefit others and play to travel the world too! <3 will be sharing your video on my social media!

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