10 Ways to Clear Your Fear In Your Career

When we were children, the world was our playground. What we wanted to do and be when we grew up was always exciting, fun and at the young impressionable age, our dreams seemed realistic. But as we transitioned to adulthood, things change. We get bombarded with the to do’s and demands of paying bills, raising a family etc. Just surviving becomes the mandatory, and our dreams, and the wouldn’t it be nice to’s, get pushed aside.

When I was a child I wanted to be an artist and writer. While all the other children were chasing each other on the playground, I would escape into my sketchpad. I would perch myself on top of the monkey bars with my best friend, my poetry book. My parents never had to worry about me, because I would spend hours in nature writing and drawing. This was my sanctuary, my peace and purpose.

For me, like so many people, I fell victim to societies demands. When it was time to go to college I “had” to pick a career. Society had taught me that artist’s “starve,” and the chances of me being a Picasso oShakespeare was an impossible feet. I threw in the towel on my childhood dreams and pursued a career in advertising marketing. After all, commercial artists make money.

I dove into my career the way I dive into everything in my life, I gave it everything I had. I successfully climbed the corporate ladder, by age 27 I was making almost 6 figures. How is it that all of the success felt so shallow? Our culture trains us to go to school, get good grades, get a job, make boat loads of money and after all this it will equal happiness. This is the magic equation for a happy life. Right!

Or is it? How many of us suffer through jobs that we hate? We show up to work, shuffle through the tasks and retire to our homes exhausted in the evening. We spend almost a third of our life working, why do so many of us choose a career we are unsatisfied in? For me it was because of my fear of not making enough money.

After months of reflection, I realized I took the job in advertising because my high school art teacher said, “If you want to make it in the world as an artist you have to be an art director, they are the only ones who make money!” I made the choice at age 16 to take a job for the money. She was right; I made immense amounts of money, but my soul felt bankrupt. Lesson learned, never take a job for money.

So many of us stay in this numb static state. We live our entire lives only to wake up at the end and regret staying on auto-pilot. We all have the choice to reclaim our happiness. Life is to short to do anything that we do not enjoy.

I realized this, and as a result three years ago, I left the corporate world on a mission to find my happy. I tapped into what I wanted to do as a child, and the more I let my inner child have a voice the more my true writing artistic self came out. Today, I am a featured best selling author, life coach, designer, speaker, teacher, and travel writer, I write everyday and I am completely fulfilled. Imagine doing what you love every day of you life for a living.

As a result of following my heart in my career, I am more fulfilled than ever and would you have it I am making more money then I ever did in corporate. Because when we do what we love we are living from our heart. And when you live your purpose, money is abundant because the universe will thank you for honoring your true self. This is why the most successful people in the world are indeed, the most successful. They love what they do and it doesn’t “feel” like work. It feels like fun. And when you are having fun, life will always reward you. This is why the rich get richer; the rich bust through their fear to live their purpose in their career.

You can always tell when someone is doing what they love to do in their profession. When you watch a famous actor or musician perform it often takes you away into their own world.  You are moved by their performance. When people do what they love they move other people in their presence.

Here are steps you can take to clear your fear in your own career:

1. Ask yourself, what did you want to be when you were a child? And would that make you fulfilled as an adult?

2. Address your fears, excuses and reasons that pop up to keep you from what you want.

3. Recognize the fear as just a fear. It is in your head and not a reality. And ask what is the worst that can happen? Chances are you won’t die and the reality is much more safe then our fear lets us believe.

4. Surround yourself with supportive people.

5. Make a value list, and do what you value daily. Even if you don’t switch careers, doing what you love daily will open more space for abundance.

6. Visualize you living your dream job.

7. Be thankful, appreciate what you do have instead of what you don’t have.

8. Let go of how and when your new life will manifest and trust that your dreams will come true.

9. Break up with your inner critic – be kind to yourself with your thoughts.

10. BElive in YOUrself

When you tap into what you loved to do as a child, and lead your life from your heart, the possibilities of living a fulfilled abundant life are endless.




Photo by dari mcmanus

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