The Rest Is Unwritten

Featured in "Chicken Soup for the Soul The Magic of Mothers and Daughters" Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you. ~Maori Proverb   I can’t believe I am doing this again. I am crying hysterically, hidden behind the closed bathroom door at work. I seem to have… READ MORE

DO: Night Kayak Tour in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

Adding a kayak trip to your bucket list could be kind of boring that is of course unless it is on the tropical U.S. Virgin island of St. Thomas. Hello Bucket/Magic list must add: The worlds first night kayaking tour "Clear Discoveries," exclusively at the Frenchman's Reef & Morning Star Marriott… READ MORE

Make Everyday Your Birthday

"At the end of life, our questions are very simple: Did I live fully? Did I love well?" ~ Jack Kornfield Happy March, my favorite month of the year, because my birthday is in eleven days. Which means that the entire month is a giant celebration. It is no secret that… READ MORE

Vlog: Inspiration from Jamaica and Bob Marley I was in Jamaica for the Yoga Caribbean Conference and major AHA moments smacked me in the face. Watch the video on tips from the Jamaican culture and yoga on how to live a more happy and peaceful life. READ MORE