When is Honesty the Best Policy?

We have heard the saying, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say it all," or how about, "Sticks and stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me!" These adages ring true across many cultures and instill into our brains at a very young age.  What they… READ MORE

Simple Rules For Self-Love

Life is kind of like chapters of a book. We get to write our own script. And if we are willing, we can change our fate based on the choices we make today. If you don't like the results or how your life has been going, you have the power… READ MORE

The Art of Life Flow – No More Drama Pretty Mama

Do you find yourself in an all to familiar situation? Perhaps the same drama keeps turning up in your life. Maybe you have changed jobs, or you are in a new relationship but the same problems keep showing up? If you live in a constant state of Deja Vu, and… READ MORE

Stop Chasing Love and Let it Come To You

The Five Rules For Attracting a Soul Mate For the past 15 years I have broken up and re-dated the same man. Not the same person, but the same type of man. I would fall hard at the beginning, ignoring all of the red flags and dive into a love… READ MORE