Reclaim Peace: Healthy Responses to Toxic Behaviors and Manipulative People As a people pleaser, sensitive soul, empath, and big-hearted person, you probably care a lot about your connections and being there for those you care about. But not everyone has your best interest at heart. Empaths are prone to getting taken advantage of and being used by people who… READ MORE
What success really look likes
Success can also look like this... Letting go. Realizing that some people will never change, nor do they want to. Walking away. Knowing that your energy is valuable and not everyone needs nor deserves access to it. Releasing. Realizing that some emotional baggage that you’ve been carrying was never yours… READ MORE
Simple Tests to See if You Are Dealing with a Toxic Person
[embed][/embed] The signs with toxic people are often subtle. Sometimes they are so much so that we don’t realize we’ve been manipulated. The sad reality is, not everyone has your best interest at heart. Whether it is a family member who wants you to take their side and pits everyone… READ MORE
10 Truths About People Pleasing
Being a people pleaser isn’t about needing to be liked or making others happy. People pleasing is often a trauma response from not getting emotional needs met as a child. If you experienced neglect, rejection, unavailable or emotionally closed off, inconsistent care, or unpredictable behavior from your caregivers, people pleasing… READ MORE
Learn From Global Spiritual Leaders & Bestselling Authors (Free 7 Day Spirit Writer Summit)
Do you feel an urge to speak up more and share your voice? Do you have a story, message, and deep desire to help others with your ideas and personal experience? Maybe there is a book that is yearning to be expressed but you don’t know how to move forward… READ MORE