How to Outsmart a Narcissist and Avoid Emotional Abuse

Today, June 1st, is world Narcissistic Abuse Awareness day. It seems the word narcissism gets thrown around too much these days, it exists on a spectrum, and most people have some of its characteristics, such as boldness and self-confidence. But true narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), ranks high on the spectrum,… READ MORE

Empowering Ways to Mother Yourself

Mother’s day is just around the corner in the United States. For some who identified as growing up with a traumatic background, this can be one of the more layered and triggering days of the year. For others who are best friends with their mother, this is a day of delight… READ MORE

How to Set Boundaries and Know Your Worth (Video)

Over the past 30 days, I’ve been in a massive transition. I sold all my belongings in February, packed up my dog Chance, and moved to Mexico full-time. I’ve been setting up my new home and I am in love! In love with life again, with the process of change,… READ MORE