What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do Are you afraid to make a move because you're unsure of the outcome? Maybe you are waiting for a guarantee before you make your next move. I hear folks say, “I want to quit my job, but I don’t know if it will work out,” “I want to start dating… READ MORE
3 Brilliant Ways to Get Support (Even When You Don’t Feel Like You Have Any) Click video to watch and share here. When I first started my business as a writer, life coach, and speaker, I struggled with feeling accepted by my friends and family. I felt like they didn’t understand or support Play With The World. It seemed as if they didn’t know… READ MORE
Breaking the “When Is the Tomorrow Going to Be Today?” Syndrome I have been waiting pretty much my entire life for my “real life” to begin. I spent the majority of teens and early twenties trying to get out into the “real world.” Once I landed my so-called dream job in advertising, it felt nothing like what I hoped. My… READ MORE
3 Incredible Easy Ways to Love and Accept Yourself Click above to watch. Click to share. When was the last time you gave yourself credit for doing a job well done? Most of us have a difficult time acknowledging ourselves. As a result, we are our own worst critic and suffer internal angst. Although we may seem happy… READ MORE
The Follow-Through Formula Click to watch. Click to share here. If you’re anything like me, you get super pumped up for new projects. Whether it is a healthier diet, starting your own website or blog, penning the book that's been inside you, or spending more quality time with loved ones, starting projects… READ MORE