Tools for Happiness: Create a Let Go List Stress is something most of us can identify with on a daily basis. When is the last time you said you were too busy or that you didn’t have time to do something because you were so stressed out? One of the best tools to combat daily stress is… READ MORE
As Long As You Love You
Over the past few weeks there has been a slight shift in my life and focus forward. Others around me seem to be projecting a lot more negativity, yet I feel more peace and self-love than ever. For starters, there is this woman who hates me as a person (her… READ MORE
Why You’re Not Getting What You Want and How to Fix That Have you been working really hard to try to make something happen but you aren't seeing as much progress as you’d like? Are you frustrated by a lack of results and feel defeated? Do you feel underwhelmed by the process of trying to reach your goals and wonder what… READ MORE
Why I Lowered My Coaching Prices
Sometimes we have to derail ourselves and get lost so we can be found. This past summer, I lost my way, several times, and then came back to find me. A few months ago, I felt a lot of pressure from the outside world to raise my coaching prices. Many… READ MORE
The Struggle Is Oh So Sexy… Until It’s Not.
I’m not one to use the word sexy often if ever, nor do I enjoy the idea of struggle, but recently I came upon a profound expression of human truth, my aha moment. The struggles we feel in life can, indeed, be sexy. Allow me to explain. The past few… READ MORE