How to Call Upon Your Higher Self for Guidance

Did you set goals for the new year? Maybe you made intentions or decided to create resolutions. Even if you didn’t make a crystal clear plan, chances are you still have ideas about how you want your life to go. Most of us will get stuck at one time or… READ MORE

My Wish for You for the New Year

Here we are. Another year closing down, a new one just around the corner. Full of promise, hope, and the start of something new. This time of year, between Christmas and New Year’s Day, is always a special moment in time. I like to call it the space between. It… READ MORE

A Year in Review: What I Learned

This year I became more of who I am meant to be. This didn’t happen because I reached more goals, or achieved a new level of success, or found more love in my life. Yes, those happened, but they were byproducts of me being authentic with myself. This year was… READ MORE

The Biggest Barrier to Happiness and How to Overcome It

Are you trying to be happy but keep thinking about how you wish things were, instead of how they actually are? Do you feel let down when people cancel on you or your plans fall through for unexpected reasons? Maybe you have a goal and it isn’t coming true as… READ MORE