Should You Toughen Up? Helpful Advice For Sensitive Souls
Since I was a little girl, I’ve been told I am too sensitive. I care too much. In my twenties I was called too neurotic and way too emotional. As I grow older I’ve learned to balance my emotions, but I admit I still have moments of extreme sensitivity. For… READ MORE
How to Believe in Yourself When No One Else Does Do you ever have days where you are overwhelmed with anxiety and fear? Does the entire universe seem to be against you? If you are working on a goal or dream and trying to change things for the better, it can feel impossible to move forward on days when… READ MORE
Trying to Fix a Frustrating Problem But Feel Blocked? Here’s Why… Have you ever said, “If only I had more money, then I could do what I really want with my life,” or “If only I lost more weight, I could start dating again,” “If only I were healthier, then I could be happier”? Despite what you might believe about… READ MORE
Tired of Working So Hard To Make Your Dream Come True? This Can Help… I just booked my ticket to Mexico for next month, where I will be leading a retreat and spending extra time to finish my next book. I love that I have a location-independent business and I can work from anywhere in the world. It was a big dream of… READ MORE
15 Life Lessons I’d Tell My Younger, Stuck, Struggling, Self
Are you struggling to make a dream a reality? A big dream of mine was to be a successful entrepreneur. The first three years of my business were the hardest, but not because they were particularly hard—mostly because I made them hard with my expectations and attachments to how it… READ MORE