How to Honor Your Creative Instincts When I tell people I’m a writer, they usually say one of two things: “You actually make a living doing that?” or “I could never be a writer; I’m soooo not creative.” When most of us think of “creativity,” the starving artist comes to mind, and we often think… READ MORE
3 Empowering Life Lessons Learned From Living in Berlin, Germany
Berlin in all its creative glory is quite possibly the coolest pocket in the world. I've had a perma grin since I landed. The city of Bikes, Brews, and Boys. A Mecca of everything hip and edgy. So hip in its creative expression and natural beauty. Super comfortable in its own… READ MORE
3 Surprising Signs It Is Time for a Major Life Change I just booked a ticket to Paris, France. in 48 hours I will be there, in the city where I found my true self. Paris has a special place in my heart because in 2009, I was in corporate, working in advertising and stuck, depressed, and unclear of what to… READ MORE
3 Power Mantras to Improve Your Day One of my secret tools for living a life I am in love with is power mantras. I am obsessed and in love with positive-thinking mantras, power words you can say in the face of fear. I love them so much I wrote an entire book called Find Your… READ MORE
Positive Mindset Shifts for Serial Complainers Are you feeling down and out? Do you find yourself complaining a lot, or do you know someone who is complaining so much that it is bringing you down? There are easy ways to combat the negative blues. Try these tips: 1. Grasp the Good If you find yourself… READ MORE