Forgive Your Past with These Empowering Techniques

Do you have a situation that has happened in your life, a person who hurt you, a situation that didn’t go as planned? Maybe you are having a hard time moving forward. The best tool I use for moving forward in my life is to forgive my past. Forgiveness is… READ MORE

3 Super Fast Ways to Detach From Drama

We are less then a month away from the American elections, the state of the world affairs are turbulent, and the economy seems to be fueled with negative energy and drama. To make things even more difficult, you may be in dramatic situations in your home and work environments. Trying… READ MORE

What to Do When You Have What You Want But Feel Empty

Another theme presenting itself is the idea that you are living a dream you wanted and it has come true, but something still feels off. Maybe you got the dream job, or you have the relationship you wanted for so long, or you are growing your own business and getting… READ MORE

Surprising Life Truths to Remember When You’re Stuck

Have you noticed a theme lately? I certainly have. It seems to happening across the globe: We are in a major transition. There are dramatic partings, breakups, and things coming to a close—not only romantic ones but business, friendships, family situations abruptly ending as if they have run their course.… READ MORE

Surprising Truths about Finding Your Life Purpose

[embed][/embed] Several years ago, I was stuck in a soul-suffocating career and felt hopeless and passionless. I lacked clarity and had no idea what my calling was. Looking back, I can see that I focused so much attention on trying to find my life purpose, I was actually preventing myself… READ MORE