How to Stay Calm in the Midst of Chaos
In America we are celebrating Thanksgiving soon, my absolute favorite holiday. We come together to give thanks and celebrate with friends and family. But for many, the holidays can also be an extremely stressful time, full of anxiety and chaos. This week’s message can help you reduce stress and connect… READ MORE
Rapid Healing Technique: The Most Essential Life Truth You Need to Know Now
Last month I participated in a meditation retreat in South Korea. We woke up at 4:00 a.m. to meditate and focus on the process of gratitude and healing. I admit, I was a little cranky. I love my sleep and I don’t really meditate much, at least not the kind… READ MORE
How To Overcome Embarrassment from a Choice You’ve Made
Last month I was in Kyoto, Japan (beautiful by the way), eating at a sushi restaurant when it happened. I picked up my bowl of miso soup, sipped it politely, then immediately gasped because I’d just gulped down soy sauce. (In my defense, it was a dark restaurant and the… READ MORE
How to Have Faith When the Outcome Is Uncertain
Are you worried about a specific situation and wonder how it will play out? Do you worry about the outcome and feel like you don’t have any control? This lack of control can make us feel hopeless and prevent us from feeling empowered. If we recognize that this is fear,… READ MORE
How To Not Let Your Inner Critic Crush You
Is your inner critic trying to sabotage your success? Our inner voice can be nasty and really bring us down. Before I left for my around-the-world lifestyle to truly take my business of coaching and writing location independent, my inner critic reared its ugly head. It tried to tell me,… READ MORE