Why What You Really Want Isn’t Here Yet

Sometimes we focus so much on trying to make things happen that we miss the life that is happening now. Have you been feeling frustrated because what you want more than anything else in the world isn’t here yet? Maybe you are working really hard to make your big goal… READ MORE

The Fastest Way To Fulfillment

You may not know this about me, but besides writing, coaching, speaking, and being a retreat leader, I also have another fabulous job.  When I left advertising to follow my heart and be writer I also started teaching. I teach part-time at the Portland Art Institute for college-level marketing, design,… READ MORE

How to Deal With the Things You Love Leaving…

Where are you today? I don’t mean physically, I mean emotionally, spiritually: where are you today? All we can be is where we are. We don’t always like it; it can be painful, even hard to understand, but it is life. This past week a layer of sadness nestled its… READ MORE