How to Surrender the Struggle
Are you working really hard to make something happen and it feels like you are pushing an uphill battle? Sometimes it can feel like what you want doesn’t want you, and the lack of support could make it even harder to push forward. Today, I share four simple reminders to… READ MORE
Try This Simple Technique to Overcome Paralyzing Fear
Have you ever wondered why, when you get close to getting what you want, your inner critic and fear often get louder? Do you have a goal that you are shying away from because you don’t know if it will turn out the way you want? I can totally relate.… READ MORE
3 Super Easy Ways to Get Unstuck
Would you like to go to Paris with me? In today’s video, of course. Today, we are in one of my favorite cities in the world because I found my life purpose in Paris. The first time I arrived in Paris in 2009, I was suffocating in a corporate career… READ MORE
3 Important Things Your Future Self Wants You to Know
A profound tool that I use to help myself and coaching clients find clarity and inner peace is the “future self” method. This is the part of you, your “future self,” who is no longer stuck, struggling, or frustrated with life. Future YOU knows that there is nothing to fret… READ MORE
How to Let Go with Grace and Ease
There are butterflies everywhere in today’s video. It’s no coincidence they surrounded me because today’s message is all about growth, and butterflies represent change and transformation. When you see butterflies in your life, including in the video, they can be messengers to you. Pay attention to the areas in your… READ MORE