Why it’s so hard to follow through and how to fix it (New video)
Do you have a goal, a dream, an idea that keeps coming back to you? Maybe you think about launching that product, investing in that dream, or going for it, but if you’re like most of us, then you immediately go to all the reasons it won’t work. You may… READ MORE
3 Stress-Busters You Had No Idea Existed
Over the past few weeks, I’ve seen a theme with coaching clients, friends and family. Stress seems to be at an all-time high. Are you feeling it too? Maybe you’re overwhelmed with all your to-dos or feeling the pressure of a financial bind, or maybe you just desperately want more… READ MORE
Life Changing Questions to Ask Yourself During Transition
"“Serious transformations begin with two commitments: The courage to try new things and act in new ways, and the honesty needed to no longer hide from or lie to ourselves.” —Yung Pueblo The question I get asked the most is HOW? How are you able to travel for a full… READ MORE
How to Live More Fully, According to Anthony Bourdain
Just a few months ago, in Havana, Cuba, I met a fellow world traveler. And over our shared meal, the topic of Anthony Bourdain popped up and she told me, “He always pushes the limits. He isn’t afraid to say and show the truth.” I added my enthusiasm for his… READ MORE
How to Bounce Back Quick When Things Don’t Go Your Way
It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” — Paulo Coelho I want to update you on the Iceland travel writing gig (turns out it wasn’t a travel writing job, but they were looking for a TV host for a travel web series). Well, as… READ MORE