How to Bliss Out Your Bedtime Routine
This time of year can be one of the most wonderful times, yet for so many it is one of the most stressful times. The holiday season can bring added stress and anxiety. The pressure to get everything done, the holiday parties and the work commitments can make it difficult… READ MORE
Craving More Meaning, Passion and Purpose? This is for You…
It was nine years ago that my life changed forever . . . It was 2009 and my life looked and felt completely different than it does today. I walked into my doctor’s office with a calendar. I had been tracking my days, and for the past three months I… READ MORE
How to Be Happy When Everyone Else’s Life Looks Perfect
I woke up from a peaceful night’s slumber, I hit snooze on my cell phone, then without much thought picked up my phone and started to scroll social media. Within seconds of being awake, I felt my stomach turn, my teeth clench and my chest tighten; I had been stung… READ MORE
How to Move Forward When You Feel Utterly Hopeless
Recently I’ve been struggling, emotionally, internally, even physically. I’ve been trying to understand why things are happening the way they are and the unfolding of certain life events in the political, economic, social and environmental arenas. If you’ve been watching the news or paying attention to politics, world affairs and… READ MORE
A Manifesto for Joy Seekers (Why I am Ending My Trip Early)
Do you have a dream that keeps coming back to you? Something in your heart of hearts that if time, money and energy weren’t a factor you know you’d go for? At what point do we decide to go for what we truly want, and risk the familiar for diving… READ MORE