How to Overcome Feeling Undeserving and Guilty

I spent the past week in sunny Los Angeles recording the audiobook for Joy Seeker. There was a moment when I was reading through it, and I had an overwhelming sensation of gratitude and love for myself and life, because I am doing what I love. I get to live… READ MORE

Ask Yourself These 3 Questions to Discover Your Life Purpose

A recent study suggests people who live their purpose live longer and are more healthy and happy. According to the new research, people with a sense of purpose had a 15 percent lower risk of death, compared with those who said they were more or less aimless. And it didn't seem to… READ MORE

3 Powerful Resources to Eliminate Drama in Your Life

Do you find yourself attracting unwanted drama? For much of my life, I always found myself in dramatic situations. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I secretly liked the chaos. It gave me something to focus my energy on. Drama and chaos was a routine for much of… READ MORE

The #1 Way We Sabotage Ourselves (and How to Fix it)

Soon I head to Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica for an entire week dedicated to self-care and personal growth. I've been before, but have a new perspective on healing. I use to go to spiritual centers, sign up for seminars and read books and work with my coach with the hopes of being fixed. I wanted… READ MORE

How to Let Go of The Outcome

I asked my life guru, “What is the biggest threat to mankind?” His reply: It is a lack of self-love. Everything comes back to our relationship with self. People who don’t love themselves are in fear, and fear causes such things as war, greed, and anger. But love? Love wins.… READ MORE