All of my mentors say this about 2020…
I’m getting ready to hop on a plane to fly to Phoenix, Arizona for a spiritual conference with some of my greatest mentors and teachers. I’ll also go to Sedona (my favorite place on earth) to spend time with my own personal coach/mentor because I know first hand the power… READ MORE
The 5 Most Important People To Forgive Before The End Of The Year
As the year comes to an end, many of us focus on resolutions, goals and adopting new healthy habits. The month of December is often filled with travel, family time and holiday parties. With it can come stress and frustration. One of the most overlooked ways to de-stress is to… READ MORE
8 Questions We Should All Ask Ourselves Before The New Year
As we approach the end of the year, it is a good time to go inward. This time of year, for many is hectic and chaotic, but it is also one of the best times to reflect and re-evaluate. I always take the final month of the year to re-evaluate,… READ MORE
How to Look Back on Your Year with Gratitude
What a year it’s been—2020 has been one of great turbulence, uncertainty and drama. But for so many people I work with and talk to, it has been one of their best years yet. One of my friends on Facebook posted a question: “What has been a good thing that… READ MORE
3 Powerful Affirmations to Practice Over Thanksgiving
Over the past few years I’ve travelled the world looking for inspiration for my books and what I have learned after visiting 52 countries is that no matter where you are in the world, no matter where you come from, what you look like, what you do for a living… READ MORE