All of my mentors say this about 2020…

I’m getting ready to hop on a plane to fly to Phoenix, Arizona for a spiritual conference with some of my greatest mentors and teachers. I’ll also go to Sedona (my favorite place on earth) to spend time with my own personal coach/mentor because I know first hand the power… READ MORE

How to Look Back on Your Year with Gratitude

What a year it’s been—2020 has been one of great turbulence, uncertainty and drama. But for so many people I work with and talk to, it has been one of their best years yet. One of my friends on Facebook posted a question: “What has been a good thing that… READ MORE

3 Powerful Affirmations to Practice Over Thanksgiving

Over the past few years I’ve travelled the world looking for inspiration for my books and what I have learned after visiting 52 countries is that no matter where you are in the world, no matter where you come from, what you look like, what you do for a living… READ MORE