Connect to Calm with These 3 Foolproof Tools
There is a great shift occurring for so many of us right now. The shift of attention, priorities, needs and wants. For so long we’ve been conditioned to seek outside of ourselves—to want more, achieve more, get more, try to be more—but it has proved exhausting. We've become shells of… READ MORE
My Go To Mantras for Navigating Uncertain Times
It seems we are all living in a constant state of confusion, adjusting, and processing which leads to what feels like a suspended reality. What we are seeing on a global level, is ever-changing, moment-to-moment as new information comes out, it can be hard to stay calm. This extreme uncertainty… READ MORE
What’s Really Happening, A Bigger Picture to Consider
The other day a friend asked me, “Why are you not scared?” I responded, because “I trust God and I know humans prevail.” It can be so easy to fall into worry, fear and anxiety right now. I would feel that way too, if I didn’t know that this was… READ MORE
How to Stay Calm in a Chaotic World
We’re living in a turbulent time, the most divided political landscape we’ve ever seen. Climate change disasters are spanning the globe. And in light of ongoing news regarding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), fear is at an all-time high. It seems that the planet we inhabit is in crisis and so… READ MORE
The Real Thing That’s Holding You Back (That No One Ever Talks About)
So many of us feel stuck right now in life—old feelings are surfacing, plans we wanted are not happening, and we feel off track, behind and like something is wrong with us. We’ve been doing the work, showing up for the assignments, practicing the tools, yet things still feel off.… READ MORE