5 Life-Changing Lessons From Joy Seeker That Can Help Us Through 2020
Something happened when I was writing my last book, Joy Seeker. A true transformation took place. Before I wrote the book, I was always waiting for happiness. I thought my life would be better when I lost the weight, got out of debt, met my soul mate, etc. It was… READ MORE
You’re Allowed to Feel Joy Right Now (Here’s Why It’s So Important)
[embed][/embed] As we shift fully into summer, the world looks unlike anything we’ve experienced before. Usually, summer is full of happy smiles, sunbathing, carefree moments of relaxation, travel, beach trips, play, and peace. But this year tapping into joy can be tougher than usual. A new poll found Americans are… READ MORE
How to Identify Your Core Values and Live with More Meaning (Free Coaching Tips)
For most of us, the past few months have brought a shift into a very different life. We’ve let go of important plans and had to surrender to the unfolding unknown. More deeply, so many of us have been going inward to discover what we really want, need and what… READ MORE
How To Meaningfully Support Each Other Through Upheaval, Shame and Blame
This is an intense time to be on planet earth. It can feel unbearable at times, especially if you have a big heart and are an empath, someone who energetically can feel others. I want to offer some perspective to help you navigate this time with more faith, freedom and… READ MORE
How to Alchemize Fear and Anger (A Guided Meditation)
It can be easy to fall into fear and think things are getting worse on the planet. But this is because we have been looking outside of ourselves and thinking we’ll find the answers there. We have been unknowingly giving our power away because we aren’t taught how to believe… READ MORE