9 Healing Mantras and Journal Prompts For When Stress Takes Its Toll

It's no secret that stress can affect us emotionally, mentally and physically. But struggling to cope with stressful situations can also take its toll on our mental well being. Are you battling racing thoughts, worries about the world, uncertainty about your future, or fears? Left unchecked they can debilitate us.… READ MORE

Close Down the Year with This Healing Ritual

As we close down 2020, there seem to be two camps people fall into. Motivated, charged up, ready to embark into 2021, vision board is already created and goals are made; and then there are those who are exhausted, unmotivated, lonely and scared. Maybe you are like me, and you’ve… READ MORE

A call to action: Your life is worth living

[embed]https://youtu.be/kZQ45LKzCZc[/embed] Something very interesting has happened in 2020. Yes, it’s been an unpredictable, challenging year, but in all this, there has been a revelation. We are seeing more of our true selves and the values we hold so dear. It’s almost as if 2020 has cracked us open to our… READ MORE