My Go-To Affirmations for Surrender and Trust

A few weeks ago, when the editors of Spirituality & Health magazine reached out to me to see if I would be up for sharing my go-to affirmations for surrender and trust, I was thrilled. Not only has it been a dream of mine to be a regular contributor to their magazine… READ MORE
We are living in a turbulent time but one thing I know for sure is those who are connected to their passion and purpose are navigating this time with more grace and ease. Those who are using their voice to speak their truth are thriving right now. Sharing your voice… READ MORE

Overwhelmed and Over It (Podcast)

We are all for the most part suffering from information overload. The information bombards us daily and it is all about the world, out there, what is happening. Whether it is social media, news, gossip or conversations, we are constantly taking in new information. A lot of the information is… READ MORE