9 Questions We Should All Ask Ourselves Before The New Year
This time of year for me is one of the most sacred times. November is a good time for reflection, introspection, and intention. I often find that the end of the year is the best time to reflect and re-evaluate. In the spirit of making the rest of your life… READ MORE
Reasons We Keep Attracting Emotionally Unavailable People and How to Break Free
Emotionally unavailable people tend to struggle sharing their goals, regrets, wishes, hopes, and desires. Sometimes under the guise of being “private,” they have difficulty holding space for others when they share about themselves. But in our modern world of relationships, when things don’t work out the way we hoped, it… READ MORE
How To Know If Your Inner Child Is Sabotaging Your Romantic Relationships
When it comes to moving forward in life, fear has a way of holding us back. As a spiritual author, teacher, and mindset coach, I believe that these fears are often the result of unmet childhood needs. Some of our core wounds have been with us for so long that… READ MORE
How to Express Your Feelings
Being able to express our emotions in a healthy and constructive way is essential to life and all of our relationships. It can also be a huge factor in how we take care of ourselves. In Sherianna Boyle’s book , she states that feeling our emotions is key to help… READ MORE
How to stop chronic overthinking and free yourself from worry
I used to suffer from chronic overthinking. A couple years ago I went through a mini phase of extreme paranoia. I found myself rabbit-holing down a deep, dark path of doomsday predictions. Everything from potential volcano eruptions or major 9.0 earthquakes, tsunamis, meteor strikes, killer bugs, more pandemics, losing everything… READ MORE